
  • A.狮、虎、豹都是大型猫科动物
  • B.长臂猿和大猩猩同属于灵长目
  • C.节肢动物门的动物种类最多
  • D.鳄鱼和大鲵都属于两栖动物

相关专题: 灵长目   节肢动物   长臂猿  



  • When global warming finally came, it stuck with a vengeance. In some regions, temperatures rose several degrees in less than a century. Sea levels shot up nearly 400 feet, flooding coastal settlements and forcing people to migrate inland. Deserts spread throughout the world as vegetation shifted drastically in North America, Europe and Asia. After driving many of the animals around them to near extinction, people were forced to abandon their old way of life for a radically new survival strategy that resulted in widespread starvation and disease. The adaptation was farming: the global-warming crisis that gave rise to it happened more than 10,000 years ago.As environmentalists convene in Rio de Janeiro this week to ponder the global climate of the future, earth scientists are in the midst of a revolution in understanding how climate has changed in the past and how those changes have transformed human existence. Researchers have begun to piece together an illuminating picture of the powerful geological and astronomical forces that have combined to change the planet’s environment from hot to cold, wet to dry and back again over a time period stretching back hundreds of millions of years.Most importantly, scientists are beginning to realize that the climatic changes have had a major impact on the evolution of the human species. New research now suggests that climate shifts have played a key role in nearly every significant turning point in human evolution: from the dawn of primates (灵长目动物)some 65 million years ago to human ancestors rising up to walk on two legs, from the huge expansion of the human brain to the rise of agriculture. Indeed, the human history has not been merely touched by global climate change, some scientists argue, it has in some instances been driven by it.The new research has profound implications for the environmental summit in Rio. Among other things, the findings demonstrate that dramatic climate change is nothing new for planet Earth. The benign (宜人的)global environment that has existed over the past 10,000 years—during which agriculture, writing, cities and most other features of civilization appeared—is a mere bright spot in a much larger pattern of widely varying climate over the ages. In fact, the pattern of climate change in the past reveals that Earth’s climate will almost certainly go through dramatic changes in the future—even without the influence of human activity.

    1. Farming emerged as a survival strategy because man had been obliged( ).2. Earth scientists have come to understand that climate( ).3. Scientists believe that human evolution( ).4. Evidence of past climatic changes indicates that( ).5. The message the author wishes to convey in the passage is that( ).

    A.to give up his former way of life B.to leave the coastal areas C.to follow the ever-shifting vegetation D.to abandon his original settlement问题2: A.is going through a fundamental change B.has been getting warmer for 10,000 years C.will eventually change from hot to cold D.has gone through periodical changes问题3: A.has seldom been accompanied by climatic changes B.has exerted little influence on climatic changes C.has largely been affected by climatic changes D.had had a major impact on climatic changes问题4: A.human activities have accelerated changes of Earth’s environment B.Earth’s environment will remain mild despite human interference C.Earth’s climate is bound to change significantly in the future D.Earth’s climate is unlikely to undergo substantial changes in the future问题5: A.human civilization remains glorious though it is affected by climatic changes B.mankind is virtually helpless in the face of the dramatic changes of climate C.man has to limit his activities to slow down the global warming process D.human civilization will continue to develop in spite of the changes of nature
  • 生物多样性是生态系统稳定性的基本保障,这是充满生命的地球的基本特征,也是人类赖以生存的无价之宝。但是,人类活动正在以惊人的速度减少生物多样性。20世纪以来,平均每天有一个物种灭绝,而进入90年代,科学家们估计每天灭绝140个物种,因而全世界有10%的高等植物和3/4的鸟类的生存受到威胁,全球270种龟类爬行动物中的42%、150种灵长目中的2/3濒临灭绝。这段文字意在强调()。
  • 许多人一想到一只蜘蛛在自己的手臂上爬,或一条蛇缠着自己的腿向上爬,就会不寒而栗,在发达国家,1%至5%的人患有蜘蛛或蛇类恐惧症。德国和瑞典的研究人员开展研究后发现,就连婴儿都会在看到蜘蛛或蛇类时作出应急反应。研究人员得出的结论是,对蛇类和蜘蛛的恐惧有其进化起源,与灵长目动物或蛇类类似,我们大脑中的结构让我们能够快速识别物体并对它们作出反应。这段文字意在说明:()





  • When global warming finally came, it stuck with a vengeance(异乎寻常地).In some regions, temperatures rose several degrees in less than a century. Sea levels shot up nearly 400 feet. flooding coastal settlements and forcing people to migrate inland. Deserts spread throughout the world as vegetation shifted drastically in North America. Europe and Asia. After driving many of the animals around them to near extinction, people were forced to abandon their old way of life for a radically new survival strategy that resulted in widespread starvation and disease. The adaptation was farming: the global-warming crisis that gave rise to it happened more than 10,000 years ago.

    As environmentalists convene in Rio de Janeiro this week to ponder the global climate of the future, earth scientists are in the midst of a revolution in understanding how climate has changed in the past-and how those changes have transformed human existence. Researchers have begun to piece together an illuminating picture of the powerful geological and astronomical forces that have combined to change the planet&39;s environment from hot to cold, wet to dry and back again over a time period stretching back hundreds of millions of years.

    Most important. scientists are beginning to realize that the climatic changes have bad a major impact on the evolution of the human species. New research now suggests that climate shifts have played a key role in nearly every significant turning point in human evolution: from the dawn of primates(灵长目动物) some 65 million years ago to human ancestors rising up to walk on two legs. from the huge expansion of the human brain to the rise of agriculture. Indeed, the human history has not been merely touched by global climate change, some scientists argue, it has in some instances been driven by it.

    The new research has profound implications for the environment summit in Rio. Among other things, the findings demonstrate that dramatic climate change is nothing new for planet Earth. The benign(宜人的) global environment that has existed over the past 10,000 years-during which agriculture. writing, cities and most other features of civilization appeared-is a mere bright spot in a much larger pattern of widely varying climate over the ages. In fact, the pattern of climate change in the past reveals that Earth&39;s climate will almost certainly go through dramatic changes in the future-even without the influence of human activity.


    Farming emerged as a survival strategy because man had been obliged__________.

    A.to give up his former way of life

    B.to leave the coastal areas

    C.to follow the ever-shifting vegetation

    D.to abandon his original settlement

  • 节肢动物类群很多,不同类群的排泄器官亦有差异,节肢动物门甲壳纲动物的排泄器官有()。





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