We should learn to put love in motion every day.We should show our children that even the  36  act of kindness counts.
The chiming clock announced it was time to leave for church, but I was far from  37 .Seeing this, my husband  38 to iron my clothes for me.Our 3-year-old daughter approached him.
“Are you ironing  39 shirt, Daddy? ” she asked.
“No, I’m ironing Mommy’s shirt.”
“Oh, did you think it was your shirt? ” A small giggle(咯咯笑)escaped her  40 .“That’s silly.”  
“No, I knew it was Mommy’s shirt.” he said.
A(n)  41 expression crossed my daughter’s face.“Then why are you doing that?”
“Because your Mommy is a special person, and I like to  42 her.” he answered.
“Oh,” she happily replied, and then skipped out of the room.“I’m going to help my brother.”
As our children’s  43 teachers, we know that little eyes watch our every move.They imitate not only our actions, but our  44 .For example, we often hear our children  45 their brothers, sisters or friends in a  46 we know they learned from  47 .But on the positive side, the propensity (倾向性) to  48 can serve us well when we try to model, and  49 teach, an attitude of kindness and cheerful servanthood.
We all try to do nice things for our family.Think about the last time when you cooked a meal or folded laundry.  50 did you feel about  51 your family in this way? Were you glad to do it  52 did you feel resentful that you were stuck with this mundane (平凡的) chore?  53 , none of us has a cheerful servant’s heart every day.  54 if we want our children willingly to reach out to others and show kindness and compassion, it is essential that they see us doing the  55 .
36.A.biggest         B.smallest       C.least        D.best
37.A.relaxed         B.satisfied       C.ready        D.happy
38.A.showed        B.provided        C.supplied        D.offered
39.A.my         B.your        C.our         D.their
40.A.lips         B.nose        C.eyes        D.ears
41.A.upset         B.funny        C.puzzled       D.proud
42.A.offer        B.gain        C.give        D.help
43.A.last         B.first        C.closest       D.best
44.A.behavior        B.attitudes        C.manners      D.thought
45.A.praise        B.point        C.appreciate       D.scold
46.A.tone         B.word        C.voice        D.accent
47.A.others         B.friends       C.us         D.teachers
48.A.imitate         B.give        C.obtain       D.learn
49.A.in charge     B.in detail      C.in return     D.in turn
50.A.What        B.How        C.That        D.Whether 
51.A.serving         B.caring       C.leaving       D.building
52.A.and          B.or            C.but         D.otherwise
53.A.Surprisingly     B.Naturally     C.Regularly    D.Patiently
54.A.Maybe         B.Still        C.Otherwise       D.But
55.A.good       B.job        C.example     D.same

相关专题: 完形填空   答题卡   倾向性  



  • 第二节 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的[A]、[B]、[C]和[D]四个选项中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡l上将该项涂黑。 It is always a little sad to say goodbye to a long-time friend you are leaving forever ,a 36 you are spent many hours with, in all sorts of 37 . David didn't think I should be s0 38 about the separation. "It's 39 a car," he said. "And we need a 40 0ne. " We were standing in the hot car park outside a car dealer's office, keys to the new 41 in David's hand, keys to the old one in mine. David took the keys and handed them to the 42 .As we drove away, I 43 to look at my trusty friend, standing silent and alone. As it turned out, I 44 the new car. It ran beautifully, all the tires were good, 45 I happily stopped buying gas every week. Our teenage children were 46 to ride around in asmall green car 47 a smoky van (小型客货车). It began to feel like our family's car. Still, I 48 looking in the rear-view mirror (后视镜) and seeing the seats 49 I used to put my little children. I still thought about the family 50 in that car and the fun we had to-gether. Then one day, I happened to go to a 51 . I parked in a sea of vehicles (车辆). As I 52 through the car park on my way into the store, I saw a 53 blue van coming slowly toward me.A little boy and a girl looked out the window at me as I stared at them in great 54 . The boysmiled at me cheerfully and waved. Then, as I waved back slowly with 55 feelings, and then walked quickly away toward the store's entrance, I burst into tears.

    [A] leader [B] customer [C] companion [D]neighbour

  • 书面表达。

       假设你叫李华。你校原外籍教师Mrs. Smith曾经在外语学习上给过你很多帮助。她上周从澳大利亚 来信,询问你英语学习情况。最近你在外语考试中,听力、阅读和写作进步很大,但在做“完形填空” 时还存在一些问题。请给Mrs. Smith写一封回信,回顾她对你的帮助,说明目前学习状况,分析取得进 步的原因和存在的问题,并请她提出指导意见。    注意:    1. 词数120-150个;    2. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好。    参考词汇:完形填空 Cloze Test Dear Mrs Smith,    Thank you very much for your letter last week.     I hope this letter will find you happy and healthy. Please remember m0e to your family. ______ _______________________________ _______________________________                                                                         Yours,                                                                          Li Hua

  • 第二节 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡l上将该项涂黑。 Lately I have been noticing the great number of electrical appliances(电器)on the market.It seems to me that there are (36) now than a few years ago .I'm not really (37) why this is so. (38 I do have a few (39) .The first is that we are just too (40) to do things by hand (41). For every little job we once had to do there is now a (42) . The second is that electrical appliance companies are just trying to make (43) 0ut of people ' s laziness. (44) all of these electrical appliances around for us to use now, 1 (45) how I would have lived fifty years ago. (46) ,how would I have cleaned my floor? I guess I could have (47) one of those things called a "broom" ,which I (48) see now. I'm not trying to say I don't (49) electrical appliances; I certainly (50) . It is hard for me to imagine (51) I would do without my hair dryer!(52) ,I do think a lot of modern appli-ances are needless and (53) may become even lazier by using them. (54) we' ll have a cata-strophicc灾难的) electric failure some day and (55) just how much we really have beer depen- ding on our electrical appliances !

    (A)fewer (B)too many (C)more (D)no more

  • 第二节 完形填空 阅读下面短文 ,掌握其大意,然后从 36~ 55各题所给的四个选项c [ A] 、[ B ] 、[ C]和 [ D] )中 ,选出最佳选项。 It was Clark ' s frrst visit to London Underground Railway. Against (36) advice of his friends, he decided to go there after 5 0' clock in the afternoon. This is a bad time t0 (37) in London, because numerous people go home from work (38) this hour. He had to join a long (39) 0f people who were waiting for tickets. When his turn came, he had some difficulty in making himself (40) by the man selling tickets. However, he got the right ticket (41) the end and, by asking people the (42) , he also found the right platform. It was packed tight (43) people. He did not (44) to get on the frrst train, but he was (45) to move nearer to the edge of the platform. so as to be in a better (46) to get on the next one. When this train came in, Clark was (47) forward on to the train by the (48) 0f people from behind. The doors closed and the train (49)0ff. He was unable to see the names of the sta tions where the train stopped, but he knew that the station he wanted was the sixth (50)along the line. When the train got to the sixth station, Clark got off, feeling good that his (51) had been so easy. But he suddenly (52) that he had come to a station he had never heard of. He ex plained his difficulty to a man who was standing on the platform. With a (53) 0n his face, the man (54) Clark that he had caught a train going in the opposite (55) .

    [A]an [B]some [C]any [D]the

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    a sudden failure
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    adisappointing start
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