
  You can tell when people have a passion for something. Their eyes light up when they talk about it. They will spend hours doing what  1  them. My friend Marilyn has a passion for  2 . She has developed her talent over the years because of her  3  of music.    She would play at parties, and church events  4  her passion with everyone. Over the years, many people  5  her and gave her the confidence that  6  her producing a CD with a selection of her favourite songs.     Marilyn was in her 60s when she produced her first CD. Her  7  seemed to quiver (轻微颤动) as she told me  8  it. You could hear her passion for music  9  she described the experience of recording the CD. She had 20 been in a recording studio (录音棚 ) in her life, but now she was recording a CD in a professional studio. Her passion brought her 21 .     What is your passion? Have you found it? Have you 22 it? Should let your passion out and make it a reality. Do something that you love to do and make it a reality. As Eve sawyer said, "Never look down upon the 23 of passion." If you 24 have a passion for something, you will 25 a way to achieve it. Your passion will help you 26 the challenges as you start your journey.    If you are not 27 what your passion is, think of what makes you jump out of your 28 in the morning. What is the one thing that you love to do? 29 it and do it! Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive, 30 what the world needs is people who have come alive.

(   )1. A .upsets   (   )2. A. dance  (   )3. A. love   (   )4. A. offering  (   )5. A. advised  (   )6. A. led to   (   )7. A. feeling  (   )8. A. about   (   )9. A. though   (   )10. A. always   (   )11. A. success  (   )12. A. hoped   (   )13. A. force  (    )14. A. hardly   (   )15. A. find   (   )16. A. obey   (   )17. A. doubtful  (   )18. A. room   (   )19. A. Discuss  (   )20. A. before  

B. bores   B. music   B. care    B. providing  B. encouraged   B. relied on  B. song    B. in     B. unless   B. often   B. luck    B. developed  B. rule    B. barely     B. leave   B. express   B. sure    B. chair   B. Promise   B. because  

C. comforts  C. art    C. study   C. sharing   C. praised   C. insisted on  C. appearance  C. at     C. as     C. ever    C. hope    C. grew    C. power   C. briefly   C. give    C. face    C. willing   C. bed    C. Notice   C. when   

D. excites    D. action    D. choice    D. sending    D. moved     D. brought up  D. voice     D. for      D. till     D. never     D. money     D. used                  D. ability    D. truly     D. make     D. behave    D. content    D. mind     D. Find     D. if     

相关专题: 完形填空   录音棚  



  • 第二节 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。 My father believed that there were mysterious forces(神秘的力量)at work in the world. One day, he was lecturing me on these mysterious forces (36) suddenly the door opened, and a woman entered,(37) two geese. She smiled (38) and looked frightened. "Yusef , I have a very (39) problem. These dead geese, they keep shrieking(尖声叫 )insuch a sad voice. . . " (40) hearing this, my father turned pale. "(41)dead geese don' t shriek," my mothercut in. "You' II hear for yourself ,"replied the woman. It is impossible t0 (42) what I heard. Myhands grew (43 and I wanted to run from the room. Father was no less (44 ) than I was. He jumped away from the table. " Yusef ,what shall I do?"the woman cried. "(45)? I' m a poor woman. Two geese! They (46) me a fortune! " Father did not know what to answer. (47)face was growing sharper and more (48 ) . "I want to hear it again ,"she said. And so for the second and the third time, the shrieks were (49).Nobody said anything. The woman asked ,"Well ,l didn' t (50) it, did I?" Suddenly my mother laughed. "Did you (51 the windpipes(气管)?"my mother asked. " The windpipes? No. . . " " Let me (52) ,"said Mother. She took hold of one of the geese, and pulled out the windpipe She did the same with the other one. I was surprised by my mother' s (53) . "Now, try it again. "I was (54) to hear the geese shriek, but they were dead silent. "There is always (55). Dead geese don't shriek,"said my mother. "Now go home and cook them for the meal. They won ' t make a sound in your pot. "

    [A]when [B]while [C]then [D]later

  • 第二节 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A. B.C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的 最佳选项,并在答题卡l上将该项涂黑。 Dad loved children and always wanted a (36) family. Eventually (最终) , he got what hewanted (37) there were twelve children in the family. Without fail, he would show us off to visi-tors. once, Dad (38) presented the first three children in the family, Anne, Mary and Ernestine ,to some visitors. Then he picked up the fourth child, Martha, and said, '- And this is our (39model, complete with all the improvements. And don ' t think that this is all; we ' re (40) the1951 model some time next month. " But what he (41) most was taking us out for a drive in the car. Just the (42) 0f all of uswould cause people t0 (43) their houses. On one occasion (场合) a man in a village we werepassing through shouted (44) that he had seen eleven people in our car, not (45) Mum and Dad. (46) , Dad called out over his shoulder, " You (47) the second baby up from the front here, Mister. " Another time, Dad told us this joke, (48) we were not sure then whether he was telling usthe (49) . Mum, who was a psychologist (心理学家) , once went to give a lecture and left Dadin charge of the (50) . When Mum returned, she asked him if everything had run (51). He said that everything was fine (52) 0ne of the children had been taught a lesson because he had been (53) . When he pointed at the child that had been (54) , Mum looked at him calmly and said, "That' s not one of ours, dear. He (55) next door. "

    [A]rich [B]lovely [C]close [D]large

  • 主观性试题和客观性试题是从____角度划分出来的。分立式试题和综合性试题是从____划分的。多项选择、完形填空和作文分别属于____、____和____。

  • 第二节 完形填空 阅读下面短文 ,掌握其大意,然后从 36~ 55各题所给的四个选项c [ A] 、[ B ] 、[ C]和 [ D] )中,选出最佳选项。 The lake lay before me, blue and peaceful, in the evening (36). On either side the mountains rose sharply surrounding it in a kind of bowl. A few sheep (37) their sides here and there and a cow was (38 ) with eating on the lower slopes. The place was so far away, so un-touched by human work that it seemed the very place t0 (39 ) . Even Higgs, I thought, won' t be able to find me here. I sat down by the edge of the lake, and pulled (40 ) my shoes and socks, put my (41) in the water. It was cold, like ice. After a moment I (42 ) 0ver and spread some of the (43 ) 0n my hot face. I could see myself faintly in the water staring at me like a(44) I realized suddenly how (45) I was of running away. Surely, I thought I could live here for a few days, out of (46) 0f Higgs and his men. While I tried t0 (47 )some plans for the fu- ture, I found a tiny cottage on the far side of the (48 ) with some smoke coming from its roof. I still had a little money. Perhaps they would give me a (49) and some food. As I watched, a man came out of the house and down to a little (50 ) at the lakeside. He got into it and began to move (51 ) towards my side. I could not see his (52 ) at frrst. He continued calmly (53) the lake, and when he was about halfway, he rested his oars and the boat drifted into a patch of sunlight. He (54 ) a hand in a friendly way of greeting. I was about to raise mine, (55 ) all at once, I saw his face clearly, it was Higgs!


    [B]light [C]air [D]gas

  • 英语考试中的完形填空题目,要求学生结合上下文的情境及已有知识填空,这里所运用的知觉特征是(  )。
  • 价值是一个经济范畴。


  • 企业文化作为某一特定文化背景下该企业独具特色的管理模式,应充分体现企业的个性特色和文化底蕴,反映企业品牌的内涵,具有不可模仿性。

  • 在企文化展时期,企业家是企业文化的实践者。
  • 企业文化研究在20世纪80年代出现了两种方法的派别,其中,以爱德加·沙因教授为代表的派别主要以定量化研究为主,以罗伯特·奎恩教授为代表的派别主要以定性化研究为主。

  • 企业文化对人力资源管理的引导作用,主要体现在企业文化的导向作用及()功能上。
