
相关专题: 侦察员  



  • 某部收一名侦察员。考试的方法是:凡是参加报考的人都关在一间条件较好的房间里,每天有人按时送水送饭,门口有专人看守。谁先从房间里出去,谁就被录取。有人说头疼要去医院,守门人请来了医生;有的说母亲病重,要回去照顾,守门人用电话联系母亲正在上班。其他人也提了不少理由,守门人就是不让他们出去。最后有个人对守门人说了一句话,守门人就放他出去了。这个人说的是什么?

  • Harriet Tubman lived a life filled with adventure.Tubman worked with the Underground Railroad. She helped many slaves reach freedom in the North. She was a scout(侦察员)in the Civil War. She also worked as a nurse during the war. Life in the Old South was very hard for slaves. Most slaves lived in small houses.They had large families, and even the children had to work in the fields.Most slaves dreamed of getting to the north.They wanted to be free. One day Harriet saw a slave trying to run away. Then she saw the keeper running after him with a whip.Harriet stood in the keeper's way.The keeper took a weight and threw it at the slave.He hit Harriet above her eyes.It almost killed her. The scar(伤疤)on Harriet's head was an emblem(向征)of her will to fight for what she believed in. The Fugitive(逃亡)Slave Law made Harriet's job harder.The law said that slaves could be caught even in the North. Harriet began leading slaves all the way into Canada.There they were safe.The law couldn't hurt them there. When Harriet came for her mother and father,they were very old.Harriet was afraid they might not be able to make the trip.She got a horse.She and a friend made a wagon.She helped her mother and father ride to freedom. 小题1:The story mainly tells us about______.

    A.life of the slaves in the Old South

    B.life of Harriet Tubman

    C.Harriet Tubman's fight for freedom for the slaves

    D.the Civil War小题2:According to the story,which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?______.

    A.Harriet Tubman used to work as a nurse during the Civil War.

    B.The weight hit Harriet in the head and left a scar on her head.

    C.Harriet led slaves to Canada where the law couldn't hurt them.

    D.The Fugitive Slave Law protected running slaves in the North.小题3:The Fugitive Slave Law______.

    A.protected running slaves

    B.set slaves free

    C.offered good jobs for slaves

    D.made Harriet's job more difficult小题4:We can infer from the story that the author______.

    A.was in favor of slavery

    B.was supportive about Harriet's work

    C.thought the Fugitive Slave Law was good

    D.thought slaves were treated well in the North

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