A local telephone directory(电话簿) is sometimes called the White Pages. This directory provides an alphabetic(按字母顺序排列的) listing of names and telephone numbers and other telephone reference information. The front pages usually contain information about area codes; customer service; directory assistance; local, long-distance, and international calls; time zones; rates; emergency numbers; and others items relating to telephone use. The next section of the telephone directory typically contains the residence listing or entries(条目) of community residents. The third section contains business listing or entries of local business and organizations. In some less populated or rural areas, the residence and business listing may be combined in one section. Some local directories contain listing of local, state and federal government offices and agencies. These listings might be united into the business listing section, or they may be in a separate section of the phone book. These government listings typically are arranged by the name of the stage government and then by departments or agencies.Local Telephone DirectoriesA telephone directory is also called ____

相关专题: 电话簿  



  • 当我们从电话簿上查到一个电话号码后,立刻就能根据记忆拨出这个号码;但是事过之后,再问你这个号码,却往往记不起来,这种记忆是()





  • 阅读下列各小题,根据汉语译文及句末括号内的英语单词完成句子
    小题1:We had a very pleasant chat yesterday, reviewing those young and innocent days spent together. You know, we ______ for nearly 20 years. (meet)
    小题2:Jenny happened ______ my phone number in the directory when I dropped in at her house. (look)
    小题3:You can hardly imagine ______ he has made in such a short time! (progress)
    小题4:The number of people infected with HIV may reach 50 million by 2020 ______ to prevent the spread of the disease. (measure)
    小题5:We treasured very much the chance of ______ by the GM face to face. (interview)
    小题6:The better prepared you are for the performance, ______ for you to suffer from a stage fright. (possible)
    小题7:In those rough times mistakes, which ________, were crowding in at the same time and my life was totally messed up. (avoid)
    小题8:From the point of experts, it is not advertising’s use of the housewife role ______ women, but the way it is handled. (bother)
    小题9:This grand theater, part of ______ a field hospital for 3 years during the war, is expected to be restored to its original splendor. (serve)
    小题10: ______ a red card, which reads “For Your 18th Birthday”. (attach)

  •    阅读下列各小题,根据汉语译文及句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在相应 题号后。

    We had a very pleasant chat yesterday, reviewing those young and innocent days spent together.

       You know, we ______ for nearly 20 years. (meet)    昨天我们相谈甚欢,回顾了一起度过的青葱岁月。要知道,我们几乎20年没见面了。

    Jenny happened ______ my phone number in the directory when I dropped in at

        her house. (look)    当我偶然到珍妮家串门时,她正巧在电话簿上查我的号码。

    You can hardly imagine ______ he has made in such a short time! (progress)


    The number of people infected with HIV may reach 50 million by 2020 ______ to

        prevent the spread of the disease. (measure)    除非采取有效措施来遏制传播,否则到2020年,感染HIV病毒的人数可能达到五千万。

    We treasured very much the chance of ______ by the GM face to face. (interview)


    The better prepared you are for the performance, ______ for you to suffer from a

       stage fright. (possible)   你为表演准备得越充分,怯场的可能就会越小。

    In those rough times mistakes, which ________, were crowding in at the same time

       and my life was totally messed up. (avoid)   在那些诸事不顺的日子里,本可以避免的错误全都同时发生了,我的生活完全一团糟。

    From the point of experts, it is not advertising's use of the housewife role ______

       women, but the way it is handled. (bother)    从专家的角度看,令女性不快的不是广告使用了家庭主妇这一角色,而是对待这一角    色的方式。

    This grand theater, part of ______ a field hospital for 3 years during the war, is

       expected to be restored to its original splendor. (serve)    这座大剧院有望得以修复,重塑昔日风华。它的一部分在战争期间还曾作过三年的    战地医院呢。

    ______ a red card, which reads "For Your 18th Birthday". (attach)


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