s="" hazardous,”="" he="" says.Alan Preece of the University of Bristol, who found last year that microwaves increase reaction times in test subjects, agreed that children's exposure would be greater. "There's a lot less tissue in the way, and the skill is thinner, so children’s heads are considerably closer,” he says.Stewart's report is likely to recommend that the current British safety standards on energy emissions from cell-phones should be cut to the level recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, which is one-fifth of the current British limit. “The extra safety factor of five is somewhat arbitrary," says Michael Clark of the National Radiological Protection Board. “ But we accept that it’s difficult for the UK to have different standards from an international body. ”1.Just because it has not been confirmed yet whether mobile phone emissions can harm human tissue, according to the government report, does not mean that ( ).2.Tattersall argues that it is wise to refrain mobile phone use by children in terms of ( ).3.On the issue in question, Preece ( ).4.What is worrisome at present is that the UK ( ).5.Which of the following can be the best candidate for the title of the passage?'>

Children should avoid using mobile phones for all but essential calls because of possible health effects on young brains. This is one of the expected conclusions of an official government report to be published this week. The report is expected to call for the mobile phone industry to refrain from promoting phone use by children, and to start labeling phones with data on the amount of radiation they emit.The Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones, chaired by former government chief scientist William Stewart, has spent eight months reviewing existing scientific evidence on all aspects of the health effects of using mobile phones. Its report is believed to conclude that because we don’t fully understand the nonthermal effects of radiation on human tissue, the government should adopt a precautionary approach ,particularly in relation to children.There is currently no evidence that mobile phones harm users or people living near transmitter masts. But some studies show that cell-phones operating at radiation levels within current safety limits do have some sort of biological effect on the brain.John Tattersall, a researcher on the health effects of radiation at the Defense Evaluation and Research Agency’s site at Porton Down, agrees that it might be wise to limit phone use by children. “If you have a developing nervous system, it’s known to be more susceptible to environmental insults,” he says, “so if phones did prove to be hazardous—which they haven’t yet—it would be sensible.”In 1998, Tattersall showed that radiation levels similar to those emitted by mobile phones could alter signals from brain cells in slices of rat brain, “what we’ve found is an effect, but we don’t know if it's hazardous,” he says.Alan Preece of the University of Bristol, who found last year that microwaves increase reaction times in test subjects, agreed that children's exposure would be greater. "There's a lot less tissue in the way, and the skill is thinner, so children’s heads are considerably closer,” he says.Stewart's report is likely to recommend that the current British safety standards on energy emissions from cell-phones should be cut to the level recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, which is one-fifth of the current British limit. “The extra safety factor of five is somewhat arbitrary," says Michael Clark of the National Radiological Protection Board. “ But we accept that it’s difficult for the UK to have different standards from an international body. ”1.Just because it has not been confirmed yet whether mobile phone emissions can harm human tissue, according to the government report, does not mean that ( ).2.Tattersall argues that it is wise to refrain mobile phone use by children in terms of ( ).3.On the issue in question, Preece ( ).4.What is w



  • All experts agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully ( )the risks and benefits.

    A.weighing B.valuing C.evaluating D.distinguishing
  • The single business of Henry Thoreau, during forty-odd years of eager activity was to discover an economy calculated to provide a satisfying life. His one concern, which gave to his ramblings in Concord fields a value of high adventure, was to explore the true meaning of wealth. As he understood the problem of economics, there were three possible solutions open to him: to exploit himself, to exploit his fellows, or to reduce the problem to its lowest denominator. The first was quite impossible—to imprison oneself in a treadmill when the morning called to great adventure. To exploit one’s fellows seemed to Thoreau’s sensitive social conscience an even greater infidelity. Freedom with abstinence seemed to him better than serfdom with material well-being, and he was content to move to Walden Pond and to set about the high business of living, to confront only the essential facts of life and to see what it had to teach. He did not advocate that other men should build cabins and live isolated. He had no wish to dogmatize concerning the best mode of living—each must settle that for himself. But that a satisfying life should be lived, he was vitally concerned. The story of his emancipation from the lower economics is the one romance of his life, and Walden is his great book. It is a book in praise of life rather than of Nature, a record of calculating economics that studied saving in order to spend more largely. But it is a book of social criticism as well, in spite of its explicit denial of such a purpose. In considering the true nature of economy he concluded, with Ruskin, that the cost of a thing is the amount of life that is required in exchange for it, immediately or in the long run. In Walden Thoreau elaborated the text: The only wealth is life.1.Thoreau started an experiment at Walden Pond with the hope of ( ).2.To Thoreau the best solution to the problem of economics is ( ).3.Thoreau holds that the crucial thing for people to do is to ( ).4.In the book Walden all of the following can be found except ( ).5.Thoreau’s attitude toward society can best be characterized as one of ( ).

    A.learning how to live quietly B.writing a book on philosophy C.discovering what humans can learn from nature D.working out the best adjustment to material life .
    A.to live a very simple life B.to become self-sufficient C.to live in the country D.to reform the society
    A.have a better understanding of what life means B.live harmoniously with nature C.to save as much as one possibly can D.to live a life that one is content with
    A.the nature of economy B.the meaning of freedom C.the criticism of society D.Ruskin’s philosophy
    A.acceptance B.avoidance C.indifference D.individualism
  • The early pioneers had to ( )many hardships to settle on the new land.

    A.go along with B.go back on C.go through D.go into
  • It is time the nations of the world ( )a halt to the manufacture of nuclear weapons.

    A.would call B.call C.called D.will call
  • As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to ( )it.

    A.postpone B.refuse C.delay D.cancel
  • 验收并公布无规定动物疫病区的部门是()





  • 《中华人民共和国公职人员政务处分法》规定:篡改、伪造本人档案资料的,予以记过或者记大过;情节严重的,予以_______。()

  • 2024年全国保密宣传教育月的主题是()。(2024)



  • 使用CoreHTML删除和替换节点的方法如下:
  • 防范和应对企业危机的意识有哪些()。
