I don’t write (1)letters these days, just an occasional one to an aging aunt of mine. Ordinarily I use e-mail to stay in(2) with people.



  • Last year the director of our company was accused(1) corruption and arrested. At his (2)three senior government (3)testified that he had attempted to bribe them. In the end he was found guilty and sentenced to fifteen years in(4) .

  • I’m sorry, but I don’t have(1 ) to that sort of information. Perhaps if you consult my colleagues upstairs, they can (2)you.

  • Should I receive any messages while I am in the meeting, kindly hold them for me till after the oil company representatives have left.

    A.Should B.while I am in the meeting C.kindly hold them for D.oil company representatives have left E.没有问题
  • s="" biological="" clock,="" suggesting="" that="" poor="" sleep="" might="" trigger="" a="" vicious="" cycle="" of="" worsening="" disruption.="" the="" tests="" showed="" people="" who="" slept="" for="" 8.5="" hours="" night="" had="" around="" 1,="" 855="" genes="" whose="" activity="" rose="" and="" fell="" over="" 24-hour="" cycle.="" but="" in="" sleep-deprived,="" nearly="" 400="" these="" stopped="" cycling="" completely.="" remainder="" keeping="" with="" much="" smaller="" range.="" "there="" is="" feedback="" link="" between="" what="" you="" do="" to="" your="" how="" affects="" circadian="" clock.="" will="" be="" very="" important="" future="" investigations,”="" sa dijk. 7. The researchers did not check how long it took for genes to return to their normal levels of activity in the sleep-deprived volunteers, but they hope to do so in later studies. Though scores of genes were disrupted in the sleep-deprived, the scientists cannot say whether those changes are a harmless short term response to poor sleep, a sign of the body adapting to sleep-deprivation, or are potentially harmful to health. 8. James Home, professor of psychophysiology at Loughborough University’s Sleep Research Centre, said: "The potential perils of ’sleep debt’ in today's society and the need for eight hours of sleep a night are often overplayed and can cause undue worry. Although this important study seems to support this concern, the participants had their sleep suddenly restricted to an unusually low level, which must have been somewhat stressful We must be careful not to generalize such findings to, say, habitual six-hour sleepers who are happy with their sleep. Besides, sleep can adapt to some change, and should also be judged on its quality, not simply on its total amount.”

    1.Based on what is reported in text A, Prof. Dijk seems to have chosen the volunteers for his sleep experiments ( ).2.The research described in text A( ) .3.The use of the verb to claim in paragraph 3 indicates that the researchers ( ).4.When the sleep researchers whose work is the focus of text A needed to find out how much sleep their human experimental subjects were getting, they( ) .5.According to text A, Dr Dijk's research indicates that obesity( ) .6.Prof. Home’s remarks (paragraph 8)( ) .


    1. Getting too little sleep for several nights in a row disrupts hundreds of genes that are essential for good health, including those linked to stress and fighting disease. Tests on people who slept less than six hours a night for a week revealed substantial changes in the activity of genes that govern the immune system, metabolism, sleep and wake cycles, and the body’s response to stress, suggesting that poor sleep could have a broad impact on long¬term wellbeing.2. The changes, which affected more than 700 genes, may shed light on the biological mechanisms that raise the risk of a host of ailments, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, stress and depression, in people who get too little sleep. ’’The surprise for us was that a relatively modest difference in sleep duration leads to these kinds of changes," said Professor Dijk, director of the Surrey Sleep Research Centre at Surrey University, who led the study. “It’s an indication that sleep disruption or sleep restriction is doing more than just making people tired.”3. Previous studies have suggested that people who sleep less than five hours a night have a 15% greater risk of death from all causes than people of the same age who get a good night’s sleep. In one survey of workers in Britain more than 5% claimed to sleep no more than five hours a night. Another survey published in the US in 2010 found that nearly 30% of people claimed to sleep no more than six hours a night.4. Professor Dijk’s team asked 14 men and 12 women, all healthy and aged between 23 and 31 years, to live under laboratory conditions at the sleep centre for 12 days. Each volunteer visited the centre on two separate occasions. During one visit, they spent 10 hours a

  • I’m sure you’ll agree that when a person is as ambitious as Li Fei, no one can stop him to achieve his career objectives.

    A.you’ll agree that B.when a person C.can D.to achieve E.没有问题
  • Is there a French word that is the exact ____ of the English word “home”?
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