Nuclear wastes are considered to ( )a threat to human health and marine life.

A.expose B.apply C.impose D.pose



  • tales="" of="" fantastic="" creatures="" were="" often="" fascinating="" but="" not="" always(="" ).'>

    Medieval travelers' tales of fantastic creatures were often fascinating but not always( ).

    A.credible B.creditable C.conceivable D.credulous
  • An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to spur further research and further thinking about a particular topic.

    A.renovate B.advocate C.arouse D.stimulate
  • Difficult market conditions were( )when Korean tanners entered the UK and New Zealand raw material markets, driving up prices.

    A.relieved B.changed C.deteriorated D.solved
  • But gifts such as these cannot be awarded to everybody, either by judges or by the most( )of government.

    A.tough B.demanding C.diverse D.benign
  • Between about 1910 and 1930, new artistic movements in European art were making themselves felt in the United States. American artists became acquainted with the new art on their trips to Paris and at the exhibitions in the famous New York gallery "291” (named after its address on the Fifth Avenue) of the photographer Alfred Stieglitz. But the most important in the spread of the modern movements in the United States was the sensational Armory Show of 1913 held in New York, in which the works of many of the leading European artists were seen along with the works of a number of progressive American painters.Several of the American modernists who were influenced by the Armory Show found the urban landscape, especially New York, an appealing subject. Compared with the works of the realist painters, the works of American modernists were much further removed from the actual appearance of the city. They were more interested in the “feel” of the city, more concerned with the meaning behind appearance. However, both the painters of the "Ash Can School" and the later realists were still tied to nineteenth century or earlier styles, while the early modernists shared in the international breakthroughs of the art of the twentieth century.The greatest of these breakthroughs was Cubism, developed most fully in France between 1907 and 1914, which brought about a major revolution since the Renaissance. In Cubism natural forms were broken down analytically into geometric shapes. No longer was a clear differentiation made between the figure and the background of a painting. The objects represented and the surface on which they were painted became one. The Cubists abandoned the conventional single vantage point of the viewer, and objects depicted from multiple viewpoints were shown at the same time.1.With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?2.Which of the following is not mentioned as a means through which American artists learned about new movements?3.Why does the author mention Alfred Stieglitz ?4.According to the passage, which of the following was a major new movement in the twentieth-century art?5.According to the author, which of the following was a favorite subject for American modernists?

    A.The development of Cubism. B.Modem art movements in the United States. C.Contemporary artists in the United States. D.The influence of photography on landscape painters.
    A.Lessons from successful artists B.The exhibitions at the gallery "291" C.Trips to Europe D.The Armory Show of 1913
    A.To demonstrate that photography was the major influence in modem art. B.To compare him to other artists of the time. C.To point out that many artists learned their craft by studying with him. D.To give an example of someone who had an influence on modern art.
    A.Renaissance B.Cubism C.The rational tradition. D.Impressionism.
    A.Portraits of famous people B.Country scenes C.City landscapes D.Pictures of buildings’ interiors
  • 帷幕灌浆段长度特殊情况下可适当缩减或加长,但不得大于()m。

  • 集中就业名词解释
  • Theword “collapse” in Paragraph 5 probablymeans “ ”.
    a sudden failure
    the basic rule
    adisappointing start
    the gradual development
  • ATmega32单片机对中断采用两级控制方式,它是如何控制的?
  • 18.2021年12月9日,甲在其工作场所收到乙邮寄的快递包裹,包裹内是一件寿衣。快递面单上所载的收件人为甲,收件电话为甲的电话,收件地址为甲的工作地点,寄件人署名为乙。后甲与7取得联系,乙称其为平台商家,甲要求乙提供下单人的信息,乙未予提供。甲认为乙的行为己严重违区了公序良俗,严重侵害了其私人生活安宁和人格权,故将乙诉至法院,要求赔礼道歉并赔偿精神损害。