This pair of boots cost much less than yours for I bought them when the department store made a ( )of the stored goods.

A.clearance B.reduction C.fortune



  • The drop in the price of Brent crude from a high of more than $115 a barrel in June to less thanA$60 earlier this month has put extra money into consumer’s pockets and boosted B Cfuel-intensive businesses, while cutting oil companies’ revenues and stoking financial crises in Doil-producing countries including Russia and Venezuela.

  • Greece, economically, is in the black. With very little to export other than such farm products as tobacco, cotton and fruit, the country earns enough from “invisible earnings” to pay for its needed, growing imports. From the sending out of things the Greeks, earn only $285 million; from tourism, shipping and the remittances of Greeks abroad, the country takes in an additional $375 million and this washes out the almost $400 million by which imports exceed exports.It has a balanced budget. Although more than one drachma(古希腊银币)out of four goes for defense, the government ended a recent year with a slight surplus - $66 million. Greece has a decent one third of a billion dollars in gold and foreign exchange. It has a government not dependent on coalescing(接合)incompatible parties to obtain parliamentary majorities.In thus summarizing a few happy highlights, I don’t mean to minimize the vast extent of Greece’s problems. It is the poorest country by a wide margin in Free Europe, and poverty is widespread. At best an annual income of $60 to $70 is the lot of many a peasant, and substantial unemployment plagues the countryside, cities, and towns of Greece. There are few natural resources on which to build any substantial industrial base. Some years ago I wrote here: “Greek statesmanship will have to create an atmosphere in which home and foreign savings will willingly seek investment opportunities in the backward economy of Greece. So far, most American and other foreign attempt have bogged down in the Greek government’s red tape and shrewdness about small points.”Great strides have been made. As far back as 1956, expanding tourism seemed a logical way to bring needed foreign currencies and additional jobs to Greece. At that time I talked with the Hilton Hotel people, who had been examining hotel possibilities, and to the Greek government division responsible for this area of the economy. They were hopelessly deadlocked in almost total differences of opinion and outlook.Today most of the incredibly varied, beautiful, historical sights of Greece have new, if in many cases modest, tourist facilities. Tourism itself has jumped from approximately $31 million to over $90 million. There is both a magnificent new Hilton Hotel in Athens and a completely modernized, greatly expanded Grande Bretagne, as well as other first-rate new hotels. And the advent of jets has made Athens as accessible as Paris or Rome—without the sky-high prices of traffic-choked streets of either.1.The title below that best expresses the ideas of this passage is( ).2.Many peasants earn less than ( ).3.The Greek Government spends ( ).4.According to the passage, Greece has ( ).5.Greece imports annually goods and materials ( ).

    A.Greek income and expenditures B.The improving economic situation in Greece C.The value of tourism D.Military expenditures
    A.$60 a week B.$2 a week C.$1 a day D.$10 a month
    A.more than 25% of its budget on military terms B.More than its collects C.A third of a billion dollars in gold D.Less than 25% of its budget on military terms
    A.a dictatorship B.a monarchy C.a single majority party D.too much red tape
    A.totaling almost $700 million B.that balanceexports C.that are paid by tourists D.costing $66 million
  • It is hard to reconcile his splendid speeches ( )his actual behavior. B.on C.against D.with
  • The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports, each ( )one major pointing contrast with the other.

    A.makes B.made to make D.making
  • She is a very original comedian and can ( )laughs out of any audience.

    A.suffer B.wring C.induce D.infect
  • .以下都是操作系统的是() A.Android、HarmonyOSB.IOS、WPS
  • Sales figures at Hocking"s Pharmacy showed a slight fall. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn"t say
  • 下列各项,有关积滞的预防与调护,错误的是()A、调节饮食,合理喂养,乳食宜定时定量,富含营养,易





  • It is because she is too young ______ she does not know how to deal with the situation.

    A. so

    B. that

    C. so that

    D. therefore
  • The moon gives ______ no light of its own.

    A. off 发出,发光

    B. up 放弃

    C. in 屈服

    D. away