Mycenae strands on a hill skirted by two deep ravines. The site is a natural strong point, dominating the plain of Argos. It was first occupied about 3000 B. C., and a new settlement was made about 2000 B. C., which is generally believed to be the time when Greek speakers arrived in Greece. There is clear evidence for a sudden increase in the importance and prosperity of this settlement about 1600 B. C. , two grave circles have been found, one inside the later walls and containing six shaft graves, excavated by Schliemann in the 1870’s,the other rather earlier in date,outside the walls,discovered in 1950. These graves contained a mass of gold and other precious objects of great beauty, including import from Minoan Crete and Egypt.The power and wealth of Mycenae increased rapidly. There was soon a uniform culture in mainland Greece, stretching from Thessaly in the north to the south of the Peloponnesus, with palaces at Thebes, Athens, Mycenae, Tiryns, and Pylos and probably at other sites not yet discovered. Although the palaces were the administrative centers of separate kingdoms, it seem likely that Mycenae was the leading, if not the dominated, kingdom. From 1500 B. C., the kings of Mycenae were buried in massive stone tombs outside the walls, of which the largest, the so-called Treasury of Atreus, is a magnificent architectural achievement. About 1450 B. C. the Achaeans,as the Greeks of the Mycenaean period were called,invaded Crete and destroyed all the Minoan palaces except Knossos, which they occupied. Succeeding to and made settlements on the islands and in Asia Minor. The zenith of Mycenaean power and prosperity was in the early thirteenth century; in this period were built the walls, some of which still stand, and the lion gate. By about 1250 B. C. , when the defenses were renewed and improved,there is evidence of destruction outside the walls. Trade declined;a period of upheaval and deterioration had begun. The Trojan War is thought to have occurred about this time. The traditional date for the fall of Troy is 1184 B.C. , but the American archaeologist Blegen,who made the most complete recent excavations and found clear evidence of a prolonged siege,date the destruction of Troy to about 1240 B C. It looks as though the Trojan expedition was the last united effort of the Achaeans.Mycenae was subjected to three successive attacks in the following years. In the first, the houses outside the walls were destroyed; in the second, the citadel was sacked;in the third, it was finally destroyed and not reoccupied. The other mainland palaces were all sacked around 1200 B. C. , presumably by bands of invading Dorian.1.When is it believed that the first Greek speakers first occupied Mycenae,and how long did it take before there was clear evidence of prosperity?2.Who made the most complete excavations of the site,and what did he/they find?3.Who were the Achaeans,and what did they do in the last half of the 14th century B C. ?4.According to the passage, did the Mycenaeans engage in international trade? If yes,with whom?5.According to the passage, were the people in mainland Greece united, and if so, where was the seat of power located?

A.3000 B . C . and 500 years B.2000 B . C . and 400 years C.1184 B . C . and 300 years D.1240 B . C . and 600 years
A.Schleimann, and he found six grave shafts containing gold. B.Blegen,and he found evidence of a prolonged siege. C.American archaeologists, and they found that the height of Mycenaean power and prosperity were in the early thirteenth century B. C. D.A team of German archaeologists, and they found that the kings of Mycenae were buried in massive stone tombs outside the city walls.
A.They were Dorians that invaded Mycenae and sacked most of the mainland palaces but not Knossos. B.They were the inhabitants of Troy, and they withstood a long siege in their city, according to the work of an American archaeologist. C.They were settlers in Asia Minor, and they expanded into the sea trade. D.They were Greeks in the Mycenaean Period,and they invaded Crete, destroying



  • Translate the following sentences into good English.

    明末清初之际,中国与欧美国家之间开始了具有近代意义的文化交流,这就是西方近代科学知识的东渐和以儒学为中心的中国传统文化的西传。对中国来说,这是继印度佛教文化传入中国之后,中国文化又一次大规模地对外来文化的吸收时期。在明末清初的100多年间,伴随着西方传教士的到来,中西文化的相互传播与交流进入了一个新的历史时期。西藏的发展进步符合人类社会的发展规律。由传统的农牧业经济到现代市场经济,由政教合一至政教分离,由专制到民主,由迷信到科学,由封闭到开放,是人类社会普遍的发展规律。西藏60多年的发展正是遵循了这个规律和总趋势。当今世界正在发生广泛而深刻的变化。由于经济全球化与信息化的发展,科学技术迅猛进步,世界变成了 “地球村”。各国相互联系,相互依存,利益交融达到了前所未有的程度,需要携手应对的问题越来越多,互利合作的愿望越来越强,从某种意义上讲,世界已是 一种“利益共同体”。

  • This idea, in the avowed pantheism of Spinoza, was suffered to lapse during the 18th century, was revived again by Lessing and Herder, and became one of the central ideas of the great Romantic and Hegelian movements in Germany in the 19th century.

    A.cease B.thrive C.supersede D.deplete
  • What are [A]the qualities that a person needs in order to make a great speech? There is an old Chinese saying [B]that goes, “a man is good because of his mouth, and a horse is good because of its legs.” Humans [C]have ability to communicate through speech, and in speech we have a special opportunity [D]to make impact.

    A.the qualities B.that goes C.have ability make impact
  • Translate the underlined sentences into good Chinese.

    In every philosophical problem, our investigation starts from what may be called “data”,(1)by which I mean matters of common knowledge, vague, complex, inexact, as common knowledge always is, but yet somehow commanding our assent as on the whole and in some interpretation pretty certainly true. In the ease of our present problem, the common knowledge involved is of various kinds. There is first our acquaintance with particular objects of daily life — furniture, houses, towns, other people, and so on. Then there is the extension of such particular knowledge to particular things outside our personal experience through history and geography, newspapers, etc. And lastly, there is the systematization of all this knowledge of particulars by means of physical science, which derives immense persuasive force from its astonishing power of foretelling the future. We are quite willing to admit that there may be errors of detail in this knowledge,(2)but we believe them to be discoverable and corrigible by the methods which have given rise to our beliefs, and we do not, as practical men, entertain for a moment the hypothesis that the whole edifice may be built on insecure foundations. In the main, therefore, and without absolute dogmatism as to this or that special portion, we may accept this mass of common knowledge as affording data for our philosophical analysis.The first thing that appears when we begin to analyse our common knowledge is that some of it is derivative, while some is primitive;(3)that is to say, there is some that we only believe because of something else from which it has been inferred in some sense, though not necessarily in a strict logical sense, while other parts are believed on their own account, without the support of any outside evidence. It is obvious that the senses give knowledge of the latter kind: the immediate facts perceived by sight or touch or hearing do not need to be proved by argument, but are completely self-evident.(4)Psychologists, however, have made us aware that what is actually given in sense is much less than most people would naturally suppose, and that much of what at first sight seems to be given is really inferred. This applies especially in regard to our space-perceptions. For instance, we instinctively infer the “real” size and shape of a visible object from its apparent size and shape, according to its distance and our point of view. When we hear a person speaking, our actual sensations usually miss a great deal of what he says and we supply its place by unconscious inference; in a foreign language, where this process is more difficult, we find ourselves apparently grown dear; requiring, for example, to be much nearer the stage at a theater than would be necessary in our own country. Thus the first step in the analysis of data, namely, the discovery of what is really given in sense, is full of difficulty. We will, however, not linger on this point; so long as existence is realized, the exact outcome does not make any very great difference in our main problem.The next step in our analysis must be the consideration of how the derivative parts of our common knowledge arise. Here we become involved in a somewhat puzzling entanglement of logic and psychology. (5)Psychologically, a belief may be called derivative whenever it is caused by one or more other beliefs, or by some fact of sense which is not simply what the belief asserts. Derivative beliefs in this sense constantly arise without any process of logical inference, merely by association of ideas or some equally extra-logical process. From the expression of a man’s face we judge as to what he is feeling: we say we see that he is angry, when in fact we only see a frown. We do not judge as to his state of mind by any logical process: the judgment grows up, often without our being able to say what physical mark of emotion we actually saw. In such a case, the knowledge is derivative psychologically; but logically it is in a sense primitive, since it is not the result of any

  • Under Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act, which came into force in 1997, physician-assisted suicide has accounted for between 0.06 and 0.14 percent of total deaths, or somewhere around 40 per year. The estimate for deaths in Britain,( ), is 650.

    A.should the proposed legislation become law long as the proposed legislation became law C.soon after the proposed legislation becomes law D.the proposed legislation should become law
  • 价值是一个经济范畴。


  • 企业文化作为某一特定文化背景下该企业独具特色的管理模式,应充分体现企业的个性特色和文化底蕴,反映企业品牌的内涵,具有不可模仿性。

  • 在企文化展时期,企业家是企业文化的实践者。
  • 企业文化研究在20世纪80年代出现了两种方法的派别,其中,以爱德加·沙因教授为代表的派别主要以定量化研究为主,以罗伯特·奎恩教授为代表的派别主要以定性化研究为主。

  • 企业文化对人力资源管理的引导作用,主要体现在企业文化的导向作用及()功能上。
