The importance of interior design becomes ( )when we realize how much time we spend surrounded by four walls.

A.attractive B.appropriate C.evident D.obscure



  • Gray clouds move as low as smoke over the treetops at Lolo Pass. The ground is white. The day is June 10. It has been snowing for the past four days in the Bitterroot Mountains. Wayne Fairchild is getting worried about our trek over the Lolo Trail—95 miles from Lolo Montana to Weippe in Idaho, across some of the roughest country in the West. Lewis and Clark were nearly defeated 200 years ago by snowstorms on the Lolo. Today Fairchild is nervously checking the weather reports. He has agreed to take me across the toughest, middle section of the trail—“but with this weather? ’’When Lewis climbed atop Lemhi Pass, 140 miles south of Missoula, on Aug. 12, 1805, he was astonished by what was in front of him: “immense ranges of high mountains still to the West of us with their tops partially covered with snow” Nobody in what was then the US knew the Rocky Mountains existed, with peaks twice as high as anything in the Appalachians back East. Lewis and Clark weren’t merely off the map; they were traveling outside the American imagination.Today their pathway through those mountains holds more attraction than any other ground over which they traveled, for its raw wilderness is a testimony to the character of two cultures: the explorers who braved its hardships and the Native-Americans who prize and conserve the path as a sacred gift. It remains today in virtually the same condition as when Lewis and Clark walked it.The Lolo is passable only from July to mid-September. Our luck is holding with the weather, although the snow seeps getting deeper. As we climb to Indian Post office, the highest point on the trail at 7,033 ft., the drifts are 15 ft, and up. We have covered 12 miles in soft snow, and we barely have enough energy to make dinner. After a meal of chicken and couscous, I sit on a rock on top of the ridge. There is no light visible in any direction, not even another campfire. For four days we do not see another human being. We are isolated in a way that mixes fear with joy. In our imagination we have finally caught up with Lewis and Clark.1.We learn from the passage that before 1805 ( ).2.Judging from the context, the word “trek” (Line 3, Para. 1) is closest in meaning to( ).3.We learn from the passage that the Lolo Pass ( ).4.Judging from the context. Lewis and Clark were most probably ( ).5.We can infer from the passage that in crossing the Lolo Pass the author( ). Americans knew about the existence of the Rocky Mountains B.there were no people living in the western part of America one ever imagined going west to the Pacific Ocean D.the Appalachians were the western frontier of the Unites States
    A.a lonely walk in isolated country B.a long hard journey over rough terrain C.a tough climb up high mountains D.a journey over un-traveled pathways
    A.remains much as it was 200 years ago B.has changed a lot since 1805 attracts large numbers of tourists the meeting point of two cultures
    A.two native Indians B.explorers of the early 19th century C.merchants who did business with the Indians whose curiosity took them over the Lolo Pass
    A.was following the trail of Lewis and Clark B.was trying to set a world record C.was attempting the impossible D.was gambling with weather and taking unnecessary risks
  • [A] Since the nineteenth century became the twentieth, Black bands [B] were being heard more and more on the streets of New Orleans. [C] Included in the crowd of listeners who followed them [D] were black youngsters such as Louis Armstrong. Soon there were white bands trying to copy this Black style of playing.

    A.Since B.were being heard C.Included in the crowd D.were
  • In North Dakota, which had barely an inch of rain in four months,there was no grass for cattle. Farmers tramped their dusty fields,watching their dwarfed stand of grain shrivel and( ).

    A.survive B.wail C.perish D.swell
  • Every month ¥3 is ( )from our salary for house repairing payment.

    A.excluded B.expelled C.compelled D.docked
  • This river is so wide that it is impossible to build a ( )under it without modem technology.

    A.canal B.tunnel D.cable
  • It is because she is too young ______ she does not know how to deal with the situation.

    A. so

    B. that

    C. so that

    D. therefore
  • The moon gives ______ no light of its own.

    A. off 发出,发光

    B. up 放弃

    C. in 屈服

    D. away
  • The announcement says that the class meeting will be ______ at 7 o'clock Tuesday evening.

    A. taken

    B. made

    C. placed

    D. held
  • I hate those people who think they are superiorme without any reason.
    A. at B. on C. to D. than
  • Food and shelter are _____ for human beings.
    A. special B. especial C. essential D. exceptional