The discussion on the economic collaboration between the United States and the European Union may be eclipsed by the recent growing trade friction.

A.erased B.triggered C.shadowed D.suspended



  • He was accompanied by his faithful friend and secretary, Mr. William Minns, ( ).

    A.without whom he never travelled B.without who he never travelled C.without him he never travelled D.he never travelled without him
  • The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds ( )his arguments in favor of the new theory. be based on base on C.which to base on D.on which to base
  • The clown’s performance was so funny that the audience, adults and children alike, were all thrown into convulsions.

    A.a fit of enthusiasm B.a scream of fright C.a burst of laughter D.a cry of anguish
  • Though the doctors tried everything, they couldn’t save him from the deep ( )wound.

    A.punch B.pinch C.stab D.shot
  • s="" tone="" in="" the="" passage="" is="" (="" ).'>

    On June 26, 2000, two scientific teams announce at the White House that they had deciphered virtually the entire human genome, a prodigious feat that involved determining the exact sequence of chemical units in human genetic material. An enthusiastic President Clinton predicted a revolution in “the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of most, if not all, human diseases”.Now, 10 years later, a sobering realization has set in. Decoding the genome has led to stunning advances in scientific knowledge and DNA-processing technologies but it has done relatively little to improve medical treatments or human health.To be fair, many scientists at the time were warning that it would be a long, slow slog to reap clinical benefits.And there have been some important advances, such as powerful new drugs for a few cancers and genetic tests that can predict whether people with breast cancer need chemotherapy. But the original hope that close study of the genome would identify mutations or variants that cause diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’ s and heart ailments—and generate treatments for them—has given way to realization that the causes of most diseases are enormously complex and not easily traced to a simple mutation or two.In the long run, it seems likely that the genomic revolution will pay off. But no one can be sure. Even if the genetic roots of some major diseases are identified, there is no guarantee that treatments can be found. The task facing science and industry in the coming decades is at least as challenging as the original deciphering of the human genome.1.Back in the year 2000, what was exciting about the deciphered genome?2.Clinically, according to the passage, the prophecy ten years later ( ).3.From our disappointment we have to realize that ( ).4.It can be concluded from the passage that ( ).5.The writer's tone in the passage is ( ).

    A.Its claim at the turn of the new millennium. B.Its great potential of producing medical value. C.President Clinton’s predicting of a moral controversy. D.Its announcement for the first time at the White House.
    问题2: provided to be fair enough realized in clinical trails C.turns out to be a reality far from realization
    A.most human diseases cannot be conquered B.the deciphering of the human genome was fruitless C.the cause of disease cannot be simply explained by a mutation or two D.many clinical harvests have nothing to do with the deciphered genome
    A.difficulties are hard to predict in doing science B.sometimes it is no use finding the genetic roots of diseases C.scientists are not supposed to make any predictions D.the clinical benefits of the genomic revolution will take time
    A.rational B.cynical C.doubtful D.skeptical
  • 9,26,51,124,173,( )

  • Effective tough survive wrap foremost refrain obtain distinguish existence available

    1 The theory supposes the ( ) of life on other planets .

    2 Would you please ( ) the toys up separately ?

    3 He built up a reputation as a ( ) businessman .

    4 There is no ( ) treatment of this disease .

    5 some rooms are ( ) to the doctors who are at the virus - control front line .

    6 The salesman finally managed to ( ) a copy of the report .

    7 It is hard to ( ) one twin from the other .

    8 Many companies managed to ( ) the pandemic .

    9 We have ( ) from going outside during the pandemic .

    10 This is first and ( ) a trade agreement.
  • 古典管理理论不相信管理是有规律可循的他们更相信个人经验
  • “战场”和“战士”这两个概念是()



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