Guarantees and warranties tell buyers the repairs for which a manufacturer is( ).

A.qualified B.agreeable C.compatible D.liable



  • Her strength was her ability to( )and inspire confidence rather than fear in the people she befriended.

    A.uncover B.obtain C.elicit D.produce
  • She has helped thousands of men and women( ) with things that bother them and that they could not talk about with others.

    A.come to the point B.come to terms C.come into force D.come into contact
  • The Federal Government ( )farmers by buying their surplus crops at prices above the market value.

    A.pirates B.mediates C.supplements D.subsidizes
  • In Second Nature,Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist Gerald Edelman argues that the brain and mind are unified, but he has little patience with the claim that the brain is a computer. Fortunately for the general reader, his explanations of brain function are accessible, reinforced by concrete examples and metaphors.Edelman suggests that thanks to the recent development of instruments capable of measuring brain structure within millimeters and brain activity within milliseconds, perceptions, thoughts, memories, willed acts, and other mind matters traditionally considered private and impenetrable to scientific scrutiny now can be correlated with brain activity. Our consciousness ( a “ first-person affair ” displaying intentionality, reflecting beliefs and desires, etc. ),our creativity, even our value systems, have a basis in brain function.The author describes three unifying insights that correlate mind matters with brain activity. First, even distant neurons will establish meaningful connections ( circuits) if their firing patterns are synchronized. Second, experience can either strengthen or weaken synapses (neuronal connections). Finally, there is reentry, the continued signaling from one brain region to another and back again along massively parallel nerve fibers.Edelman concedes that neurological explanations for consciousness and other aspects of mind are not currently available, but he is confident that they will be soon. Meanwhile, he is comfortable hazarding a guess: “All of our mental life... is based on the structure and dynamics of our brain. ” Despite this optimism about the explanatory powers of neuroscience, Edelman acknowledges the pitfalls in attempting to explain all aspects of mind in neurological terms. Indeed, culture—not biology—is the primary determinant of the brain’s evolution, and has been since the emergence of language, he notes.However, I was surprised to learn that he considers Sigmund Freud “ the key expositor of the effects of unconscious processes on behavior. ” Such a comment ignores how slightly Freud’s conception of the unconscious, with its emphasis on sexuality and aggression, resembles the cognitive unconscious studied by neuroscientists.Still, Second Nature is well worth reading. It serves as a bridge between the traditionally separate camps of “hard” science and the humanities. Readers without at least some familiarity with brain science will likely find the going difficult at certain points. Nonetheless, Edelman has achieved his goal of producing a provocative exploration of “how we come to know the world and ourselves”.1.Gerald Edelman would most probably support the idea that the brain( ) .2.It was previously felt that perceptions and other mind matters could hardly be ( ) .3.Edelman firmly believes that ( ) .4.According to Edelman, to provide a thorough explanation of human mind, neuroscience will be ( ) .5.The author disagrees with the idea that the neuroscience-based cognitive unconscious can be ( ) .6.According to the author,Second Nature is a good book because ( ) . with the mind like a computer C.has an accessible function D.sends signals to the mind
    A.treated as a significant issue B.studied with scientific methods C.separated from brain activity D.handled with surgical instruments
    A.brain signals will repeatedly go from one brain region to another. B.experience will have an ill effect on neuronal connections C.distant neurons will help synchronize their firing patterns D.mind matters will be explained from a neurological perspective
    A.responsible B.insufficient C.impractical D.reliable
    A.clearly explained by Freud’s theory B.affected by language acquisition C.studied relevantly to sexual behavior D.examined concerning cultural backgrounds
    问题6: interests the reader in spiritual activities appeals to the reader to study bioscience sets the reader probing into human cognition presents the advancement of natural science
  • In the final analysis,it is our ( ) of death which decides our answers to all the questions that life puts to us.

    A.conception B.deception C.reception D.presentation
  • .以下都是操作系统的是() A.Android、HarmonyOSB.IOS、WPS
  • Sales figures at Hocking"s Pharmacy showed a slight fall. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn"t say
  • 下列各项,有关积滞的预防与调护,错误的是()A、调节饮食,合理喂养,乳食宜定时定量,富含营养,易





  • It is because she is too young ______ she does not know how to deal with the situation.

    A. so

    B. that

    C. so that

    D. therefore
  • The moon gives ______ no light of its own.

    A. off 发出,发光

    B. up 放弃

    C. in 屈服

    D. away