Neither the urban nor rural problems discussed above can be addressed in isolation: in the absence of significant improvements in agricultural productivity, raising incomes will require the transfer of labor into non-agricultural production. Migration—which takes place predominantly from poorer to wealthier and from rural to urban areas—can be regional or international, as well as domestic, but internal migration is generally the main option for the poorest, or those from the poorest regions, due to the lower costs involved. In the context of the current discussion, migration should be viewed as part of an inevitable process of structural change that contributes to rising productivity and increasing incomes in rural areas, while meeting demands for labor in industrial and urban areas.Precisely because of the concentration of urban 4problems1 highlighted above, however, the process of migration to urban areas, and by extension migrants themselves, are often regarded by policy-makers and the urban population as part of the problem, eliciting negative policy responses. These include residential or mobility restrictions, limits on access to social services and public goods, or differential pricing structures (schooling in China). The costs of migrating can be raised indirectly—through discrimination in employment or housing, by regulations designed to control mobility, residence or work requirements, and through public messages and stereotypes that stigmatize migrants, often blaming them for crime or unrest.Despite such direct or indirect disincentives, internal migration (seasonal or temporary, or longer-term) is huge and increasing rapidly. China has seen approximately 120 million rural residents move for varying lengths of time to cities in search of work, India has an estimated 30 million seasonal migrant laborers, other countries lack data but the documented trends show a widespread increase. Positive incentives or support systems — assistance in finding jobs, appropriate training or improved access to services, or enforcement of employment protections and other rights-remain the exception, however.Growing evidence illustrates the contribution made by migrants to economic growth (building and servicing cities, industries and the export sector), as well as to the development of rural areas and the alleviation of poverty (via remittances, transfer of skills and reducing surplus labor in agriculture). Recent studies from a number of countries-including India, China, Thailand and Vietnam—show that remittances now account for a significant proportion of annual household income, and may even exceed the contribution from agriculture. Remittances substitute for lack of access to credit in rural areas, and are used to finance expenses ranging from food, education and health care, weddings and funerals, to the purchase of productive assets. In Bangladesh and Vietnam evidence suggests that the injection of cash into the economy stimulates the land market, increases local wages and generally improves the local economy. While international migration, through remittances or the return of skilled labor, is important to economies overall, and analyses suggest an impact on poverty reduction in some countries, internal migration is more important in the context of the very poor.

1.What is the most appropriate title for this passage?2.What does the author mainly talk about in paragraph 2?3.What is the meaning of the last sentence in paragraph 3?4.What does the author want to prove by mentioning as some examples a number of countries, including India, China, Thailand and Vietnam in paragraph 4?5.What will the following paragraph probably discuss?



  • David Cameron put Britain’s future( ) , in an audacious gamble that united his Conservative Party but which could have profound implications for the party and the country. line the line C.on line D.on the line
  • There is no doubt that dishonest or ( )acquisition of information is usually overwhelming evidence that information was confidential and not part of the defendant’s skill and knowledge.

    A.blatant B.surreptitious C.suspicious D.conspicuous
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    A.lay out B.lay down C.lay off D.lay up
  • China is far from perfect and seeks its own advantage, but holding it ( )our domestic problems is beyond anachronistic.

    A.account for B.accounting to C.accounted to D.accountable for
  • Budget forecasts are the ultimate lesson in taking things ( )in hindsight, most forecasts look worse than random guesses.

    A.with a stroke of the pen B.with a whip of scorpions C.with a grain of salt D.with all due submission
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  • 设有一个 Student数据库,包括数据库,包括学生,课程,选修三个关系:三个关系:学生学生:S ( Sno ,Sname ,Ssex ,Sage,Sdept )
    课程课程:C(Cno ,Cname ,Term,Credit )
    选修选修:SC ( Sno ,Cno ,Score )