s="" calculations="" go="" to="" the="" designer="" of="" part,="" and="" he="" must="" make="" it="" as="" strong="" stress="" man="" say="" is="" necessary.="" one="" or="" two="" samples="" are="" always="" tested="" prove="" that="" they="" intended.="" each="" separate="" part="" tested,="" then="" whole="" assembly="" —for="" example,="" a="" complete="" wing,="" finally="" airplane.="" when="" new="" type="" airplane="" made,="" normally="" only="" first="" three="" will="" be="" flown.="" destroyed="" on="" ground="" in="" structural="" tests.="" third="" air.When a plane has passed all the tests it can get a government certificate of airworthiness, without which it is illegal to fly, except for test flying.Making the working parts reliable is as difficult as making the structure strong enough. The flying controls, the electrical equipment, the fire precautions, etc. must not only be light in weight, but must work both at high altitudes where the temperature may be below freezing point and in the hot air of an airfield in the tropics.To solve all these problems the aircraft industry has a large number of research workers, with elaborate laboratories and test houses and new materials to give the best strength in relation to weight are constantly being tested.1.The two main requirements of aircraft design are ( ).2.The maximum possible weight of an aircraft is determined by ( ).3.The stress man's job is to ( ).4.The first three airplanes of a new type ( ).5.All equipment in an aircraft must( ).'>

There are two main things that make aircraft engineering difficult: the need to make every component as reliable as possible and the need to build everything as light as possible. The fact that an airplane is up in the air and cannot stop if anything goes wrong, makes it perhaps a matter of life and death that its performance is absolutely dependable.Given a certain power of engine, and consequently a certain fuel consumption, there is a practical limit to the total weight of an aircraft that can be made to fly. Out of that weight as much as possible is wanted for fuel, radio navigational instruments, passenger seats, or freight room, and of course, the passengers and aircraft themselves. So the structure of the aircraft has to be as small and light as safety and efficiency will allow. The designers of it must calculate the normal load that each part will bear. This specialist is called the "stress man". He takes account of any unusual stress that may be put on the part as a precaution against errors in manufacture, accident damage, etc.The stress man's calculations go to the designer of the part, and he must make it as strong as the stress man say is necessary. One or two samples are always tested to prove that they are as strong as the designer intended. Each separate part is tested, and then the whole assembly —for example, a complete wing, and finally the whole airplane. When a new type of airplane is made, normally only one of the first three will be flown. Two will be destroyed on the ground in structural tests. The third one will be tested in the air.When a plane has passed all the tests it can get a government certificate of airworthiness, without which it is illegal to fly, except for test flying.Making the working parts reliable is as difficult as making the structure strong enough. The flying controls, the electrical equipment, the fire precautions, etc. must not only be light in weight, but must work both at high altitudes where the temperature may be below freezing point and in the hot air of an airfield in the tropics.To solve all these problems the aircraft industry has a large number of research workers, with elaborate laboratories and test houses and new materials to give the best strength in relation to weight are constantly being tested.1.The two main requirements of aircraft design are ( ).2.The maximum possible weight of an aircraft is determined by ( ).3.The stress man's job is to ( ).4.The first three airplanes of a new type ( ).5.All equipment in an aircraft must( ).




  • Every member of society has to make a ( )to struggle for the freedom of the country.

    A.warranty B.guarantee C.resolve D.pledge
  • A complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standards and should ( )new operating procedures.

    A.result in B.match with C.subject to D.proceed with
  • How much a person can earn is not always a good( )of real success in life.

    A.essence B.decree C.qualification D.criterion
  • A manufacturer of sports shoes starts selling consumer electronics. A soft drink lends its name to a range of urban clothing. What’s going on? In simpler times, you knew where you were with brands. One brand name meant good-quality sports shoes, another a soft drink. No confusion. Today, however, big companies try to redefine brands as not so much a product, more a way of life, and stretch them into new areas. In the early years of the consumer society, a brand name on a box simply identified what was inside. People were looking for products that would improve their quality of life, and choose brands most likely to achieve that purpose. But as people in industrialized nations became more affluent and fulfilled their basic needs, brands acquired other attributes. The functionality of the product was still important, but people also started using brands to say something about themselves, for example, choosing a brand of cosmetics which would suggest that they were sophisticated jet-setters.Now, we have entered a third age of branding, in which so many companies are making roughly the same product at roughly the same price that functionality rarely succeeds as a point of differentiation. Instead, companies are trying to make their brands stand out by emphasizing their emotional aspects, hoping consumers will identify with the set of values the brand represents.One disadvantage of a product-based brand is that if the product goes out of fashion, the brand goes with it. This is a serious concern for manufactures of breakfast cereals, who are struggling to counter weak demand for the products that bear their names. So far, their marketing efforts seem to be having little effect. The advantage for emotional brands is that companies can transfer their brand strength into other areas, increasing revenues and reducing their exposure to the lifespan of a single product.The elasticity of brands seems to be related to their position on a spectrum ranging from those rooted in solid, tangible assets to those with highly intangible emotional qualities. At the one end, you have train companies that tend to associate themselves with infrastructure and their ability to get you from A to B, and at the other end would be a leisure brand that positions itself on dreams and making people have fun. It is the latter which has the maximum potential for stretch.But even emotional brands have a limit to their elasticity. The merchandise has to be consistent with the brand promise. Just to sell merchandise with your logo on it is a short-term, mistaken idea. From this viewpoint, the decision to move from sports shoes into consumer electronics makes sense. Most items in the range, such as the two-way radio for hikers, are sports-focused, even though the products may be adopted as fashion accessories, and the sports shoe customers will probably snap them up.When the move was made from soft drinks into clothing, however, it left the branding consultants cold. It was a difficult mental leap into clothing from the drink so closely associated with that particular brand name. On the other hand, the emotional attributes that youngsters seem to find appealing in the drink, like its heritage and global appeal, are fashionable at the moment, and in fact response to the clothes with the same name has been overwhelming. Maybe this just shows that an inspired move—and by all accounts a snap decision—sometimes pays off against the odds, leaving the manufacturer laughing all the way to the bank.1.According to the writer, an attribute of the third age of branding is that( ).2.The writer mentions manufacturers of breakfast cereals to illustrate how ( ).3.The writer argue that the stretch from sports shoes into consumer electronics is likely to be successful because ( ).4.The writer argues that the stretch form soft drinks into clothing( ).

    A.competing products may serve their purpose equally well B.the range of products available is too large for all to survive C.consumers are becoming confused about the products available D.price has become a key factor
  • He is considered to be an outstanding artist but I consider his work to be quite ( ).

    A.mediocre B.medium C.moderate D.intermediate
  • 帷幕灌浆段长度特殊情况下可适当缩减或加长,但不得大于()m。

  • 集中就业名词解释
  • Theword “collapse” in Paragraph 5 probablymeans “ ”.
    a sudden failure
    the basic rule
    adisappointing start
    the gradual development
  • ATmega32单片机对中断采用两级控制方式,它是如何控制的?
  • 18.2021年12月9日,甲在其工作场所收到乙邮寄的快递包裹,包裹内是一件寿衣。快递面单上所载的收件人为甲,收件电话为甲的电话,收件地址为甲的工作地点,寄件人署名为乙。后甲与7取得联系,乙称其为平台商家,甲要求乙提供下单人的信息,乙未予提供。甲认为乙的行为己严重违区了公序良俗,严重侵害了其私人生活安宁和人格权,故将乙诉至法院,要求赔礼道歉并赔偿精神损害。