There are serious problems of land ( )in some arid regions of Northwest China.

A.degradation B.fertilization C.enhancement D.dilemmas



  • s="" history="" and="" way="" of="" life.="" similarly,="" research="" into="" the="" material="" culture="" music="" can="" help="" us="" to="" understand="" music-culture.="" most="" viv body="" “things”="" in="" it,="" course,="" are="" musical="" instrument.="" we="" cannot="" hear="" for="" ourselves="" actual="" sound="" any="" performance="" before="" 1870s="" when="" phonograph="" was="" invented,="" so="" rely="" on="" instruments="" important="" information="" about="" music-cultures="" remote="" past="" their="" development.="" here="" have="" two="" kinds="" evidence:="" well="" preserved="" instruments,="" pictured="" 'in="" art.="" through="" study="" as="" paintings,="" written="" documents,="" on,="" explore="" movement="" from="" near="" east="" china="" over="" a="" thousand="" years="" ago,="" or="" outline="" spread="" eastern="" influence="" europe="" that="" resulted="" development="" symphony="" orchestra. Sheet music or printed music, too, is material culture. Scholars once defined folk music-cultures as those in which people learn and sing music by ear rather than from print, but research show mutual influence among oral and written sources during the past few centuries in Europe, Britain and America. Printed versions limit variety because they tend to standardize any song, yet they stimulate people to create new and different songs. Besides, the ability to read music notation has a far-reaching effect on musicians and, when it becomes widespread, on the music-culture as a whole. Music is deep-rooted in the cultural background that fosters it. We now pay more and more attention to traditional or ethnic features in folk music and are willing to preserve the folk music as we do with many traditional cultural heritages. Musicians all over the world are busy with recording classic music in their country for the sake of their unique culture. As always, people's aspiration will always focus on their individuality rather than universal features that are shared by all cultures alike. One more important part of music’s material culture should be singled out: the influence of the electronic media-radio, record player, tape recorder, and television, with the future promising talking and singing computers and other developments. This is all part of the "information-revolution", a twentieth century phenomenon as important as the industrial revolution in the nineteenth. These electronic media are not just limited to modem nations; they have affected music-cultures all over the globe.1.Which of the following does not belong to material culture?2.The word "phonograph" (Line 6, Paragraph 1) most probably means ( ).3.The main idea of the first paragraph is ( ).4.Which of the following is NOT an advantage of printed music?5.From the third paragraph, we may infer that( ).'>

    Material culture refers to the touchable, material “things’’-physical objects that can be seen, held, felt, used-that a culture produces. Examining a culture’s tools and technology can tell us about the group's history and way of life. Similarly, research into the material culture of music can help us to understand the music-culture. The most vivid body of “things” in it, of course, are musical instrument. We cannot hear for ourselves the actual sound of any musical performance before the 1870s when the phonograph was invented, so we rely on instruments for important information about music-cultures in the remote past and their development. Here we have two kinds of evidence: instruments well preserved and instruments, pictured 'in art. Through the study of instruments, as well as paintings, written documents, and so on, we can explore the movement of music from the Near East to China over a thousand years ago, or we can outline the spread of Near Eastern influence to Europe that resulted in the development of most of the instruments on the symphony orchestra.Sheet music or printed music, too, is material culture. Scholars once defined folk music-cultures as those in which people learn and sing music by ea

  • A big problem in lemming English as a foreign language is lack of opportunities for ( )interaction with proficient speakers of English.

    A.instantaneous B.provocative C.verbal D.dual
  • Occasional self-medication has always been part of normal living. The making and selling of drugs has a long history and is closely linked, like medical practice itself, with the belief in magic. Only during the last hundred years or so has the development of scientific techniques made it possible for some of the causes of symptoms to be understood, so that more accurate diagnosis has become possible. The doctor is now able to follow up the correct diagnosis of many illnesses with specific treatment of their causes. In many other illnesses, of which the causes remain unknown, it is still limited, like the unqualified prescribes, to the treatment of symptoms. The doctor is trained to decide when to treat symptoms only and when to attack the cause: this is the essential difference between medical prescribing and self-medication.The advance of technology has brought about much progress in some fields of medicine, including the development of scientific drug therapy. In many countries public health organization is improving and people’s nutritional standards have arisen. Parallel with such beneficial trends are two which have an adverse effect. One is the use of high-pressure advertising by the pharmaceutical industry, which has tended to influence both patients and doctors and has led to the overuse of drugs generally. The other is the emergence of the sedentary society with its faulty ways of life: lack of exercise, over-eating, unsuitable eating, insufficient sleep, excessive smoking and drinking. People with disorders arising from faulty habits such as these, as well as from unhappy human relationships, often resort to self-medication and so add the taking of pharmaceuticals to the list. Advertisers go to great lengths to catch this market.Clever advertising, aimed at chronic sufferers who will try anything because doctors have not been able to cure them, can induce such faith in a preparation, particularly if steeply priced, that it will produce-by suggestion-a very real effect in some people. Advertisements are also aimed at people suffering from mild complaints such as simple colds and coughs, which clear up by themselves within a short time.These are the main reasons why laxatives, indigestion remedies, painkillers, tonics, vitamin and iron tablets and many other preparations are found in quantity in many households. It is doubtful whether taking these things ever improves a person’s health; it may even make it worse. Worse because the preparation may contain unsuitable ingredients; worse because the taker may become dependent on them; worse because they might be taken in excess; worse because they may cause poisoning, and worse of all because symptoms of some serious underlying cause may be masked and therefore medical help may not be sought.1.The first paragraph is intended to ( ).2.Advertisements are aimed at people suffering from mild complaints because ( ).3.Paragraphs 2 and 3 explain ( ).4.In Paragraph 4 the author illustrates ( ).5.The best title for the text would be( ).

    A.suggest that self-medication has a long history B.distinguish between medical prescribing and self-medication C.praise doctors for their expertise D.tell the symptoms from the causes
    A.they often watch ads on TV B.they are more likely to buy the drugs advertised C.they generally lead a sedentary life D.they don’t take to sports and easily catch colds
    A.that good things are not without side effects B.why clever advertising is so powerful C.why in modem times self-medication is still practiced D.why people develop faulty ways of life
    A.the reasons for keeping medicines at home B.people’s doubt about taking drugs C.why it may be worse to take drugs by oneself D.the possible harms self-medication may do to people
    A.Medical Practice B.Clever Advertising C.Self-medication D.Self-treatment
  • His career was not noticeably ( )by the fact that he had never been to college.

    A.prevented B.restrained C.hindered D.refrained
  • When she started working for the Johnson’s, Lisa showed ( )and was promotedto manager after only a year.

    A.initiative B.ambition C.attribute D.curiosity
  • .以下都是操作系统的是() A.Android、HarmonyOSB.IOS、WPS
  • Sales figures at Hocking"s Pharmacy showed a slight fall. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn"t say
  • 下列各项,有关积滞的预防与调护,错误的是()A、调节饮食,合理喂养,乳食宜定时定量,富含营养,易





  • It is because she is too young ______ she does not know how to deal with the situation.

    A. so

    B. that

    C. so that

    D. therefore
  • The moon gives ______ no light of its own.

    A. off 发出,发光

    B. up 放弃

    C. in 屈服

    D. away