( )a matter of disagreeing with the theory of independence( )rejecting its implications: that the romances may be taken in any or no particular order that they have no cumulative effect, and that they are as separate as the works of a modern novelist.

A.It is both,and of B.It is not,as well as C.It is not quite,but of D.It is,except for



  • s="" acquisition="" of="" language="" suggest="" that="" the="" faculty="" includes="" an="" inborn="" knowledge="" formal="" principles="" structure,="" a="" depends="" on="" generically="" determined="" portions="" (usually)="" left="" cerebral="" hemispheres.="" although="" it="" is="" well="" established="" hemisphere="" specialized="" for="" language,="" one="" cannot="" say="" “located”="" in="" this="" or="" part="" hemisphere.="" what="" known="" disorders="" are="" results="" lesions="" (损伤)in="" resulting="" from="" damage="" to="" brain="" called="" aphasias.The anterior portion of the “language area” is termed Broca’s area. Lesions in this area interfere with the motor and articulatory aspects of language. Speech is slow, labored, grammatically incorrect, and telegraphic; in extreme cases, it may be impossible to carry out. Writing is likewise severely impaired. Comprehension of the spoken or written word, however, may be unimpaired or nearly so. (It is interesting to note that under emotional stress, a patient with Broca’s aphasia may be temporarily fluent). Because Broca’s area is close to the motor cortex (脑皮层),if the former is damaged, the latter is often damaged simultaneously. Hence, such patients often suffer form weakness or paralysis of the right side of the body. Similar lesions in the right hemisphere will cause a left-sided weakness of paralysis but will have no effect on language.Damage to the posterior portion of the “language area.’,especially to Wemick’s area, results in a loss of comprehension of the spoken word and often of the written word. The patient’s native language is now like a foreign language. In addition, the patient's speech is rapid and well-articulated, but without meaning. Writing is defective, and words that are heard cannot be repeated, although hearing itself is completely normal. Similar lesions in the right hemisphere usually have no effect on language.Injuries to the “language area” in children result in severe aphasias, but the development of language mechanism in the right hemisphere can often compensate for them to an extraordinary degree. This potential function of the right hemisphere is probably normally suppressed by the left hemisphere. In adults, aphasias from similar lesions are often permanent.1.The author is primarily concerned with( ).2.Unlike a patient with Wernicke’s aphasia, a patient with Broca’s aphasia can ( ).3.According to the passage, with of the following statements about the right hemisphere of the brain is accurate?4.It can be inferred that aphasias in adults often result in permanent damage because ( ).5.It can be inferred that the author bases his description on( ).'>

    Studies of children's acquisition of language suggest that the faculty of language includes an inborn knowledge of the formal principles of language structure, a knowledge that depends on generically determined portions of (usually) that left cerebral hemispheres. Although it is well established that the left hemisphere is specialized for language, one cannot say that language is “located” in this or that part of the hemisphere. What is known that language disorders are the results of lesions (损伤)in the left hemisphere. Disorders of language resulting from damage to the brain are called aphasias.The anterior portion of the “language area” is termed Broca’s area. Lesions in this area interfere with the motor and articulatory aspects of language. Speech is slow, labored, grammatically incorrect, and telegraphic; in extreme cases, it may be impossible to carry out. Writing is likewise severely impaired. Comprehension of the spoken or written word, however, may be unimpaired or nearly so. (It is interesting to note that under emotional stress, a patient with Broca’s aphasia may be temporarily fluent). Because Broca’s area is close to the motor cortex (脑皮层),if the former is damaged, the latter is often damaged simultaneously. Hence, such patients often suffer form weakness or paralysis of the right side of the body. Similar lesions in the right hemisphere will cause a left-sided we

  • He wanted to ask her to marry him but he was too shy to do it at once. He( )by saying he often felt lonely.

    A.led up to it B.took it up C.make it up D.gave it away
  • A great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the ( ) of becoming white collar workers.

    A.privilege B.advantage C.profit D.preference
  • s="" economy.'>

    Based on the( )that every business is now free to formulate its own strategy in light of the changing market, I would predict a marked improvement in the efficiency of China's economy.

    A.guidance B.instruction C.premise D.quantity
  • Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan is forcing us to( )anew the horrors of World War II.

    A.provoke B.abridge C.absolve D.confront
  • 帷幕灌浆段长度特殊情况下可适当缩减或加长,但不得大于()m。

  • 集中就业名词解释
  • Theword “collapse” in Paragraph 5 probablymeans “ ”.
    a sudden failure
    the basic rule
    adisappointing start
    the gradual development
  • ATmega32单片机对中断采用两级控制方式,它是如何控制的?
  • 18.2021年12月9日,甲在其工作场所收到乙邮寄的快递包裹,包裹内是一件寿衣。快递面单上所载的收件人为甲,收件电话为甲的电话,收件地址为甲的工作地点,寄件人署名为乙。后甲与7取得联系,乙称其为平台商家,甲要求乙提供下单人的信息,乙未予提供。甲认为乙的行为己严重违区了公序良俗,严重侵害了其私人生活安宁和人格权,故将乙诉至法院,要求赔礼道歉并赔偿精神损害。