Petrified wood consists of a wide variety of mineral including silica, silicates, carbonates, sulfates, sulfides, oxides, and phosphates. They all can per-mineralize wood to form petrified wood. However, petrified wood most commonly consists of silica in the form of either opal or chert. Silicified wood is usually found within one of two types of strata. First, it occurs within accumulations of volcanic ash, tuff, ad breccia, e.g. the petrified forests of Yellowstone National Park. Second, silicified wood also occurs within sands, silts, and muds deposited by rivers and streams that have hardened to sandstones, siltstones, and shale. The silicified wood found in Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona and the Miocene strata of Louisiana and Texas occur within such strata. It forms in these deposits, because of the presence of dissolved silica within the groundwater. The silica is derived from the dissolution of the volcanic material by the groundwater within the sediments. Within 10 and 40 million years, the opal of the silicified wood further dehydrates and crystallizes into microcrystalline quartz (chert). Factors such as temperature and pressure may speed or slow the process, but eventually the opal of the silicified wood becomes chert. During the change from opal to chert in silicified wood, the relict woody texture may either be retained or lost.In southwest Texas and into Louisiana, three types of silicified wood can be recognized. First, the “nondescript silicified wood” is one that possesses a recognizable woody structure. It is not identifiable without oriented thin sections, specialized references, and comparative material. Therefore, this type is best described just as “silicified wood”. The second type, “Palm Wood”, is a group of fossil woods that contain prominent rod-like structures within the regular grain of the silicified wood. Depending upon the angle at which they are cut by fracture, these rod-like structures show up as spots, tapering rods, or continuous lines. The third type is “massive silicified wood” in which the silicification of the wood, or subsequent transformation of silica gel to opal or chert, has obliterated any trace of the grain of the former wood. Because of its variable, massive nature and heterogeneous trace element composition, many investigators have often failed to recognize the nature of this material.1.What does the passage mainly discuss?2.Which of the following is commonly a part of petrified wood?3.The underlined word “strata” in Paragraph 1 is closet in meaning to ( ).4.It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of Yellowstone National Park?5.The underlined word “such” in Paragraph 1 refers to ( ).6.The author mentions groundwater (the underlined word) in Paragraph 1 in order to( ).7.According to the passage, the opal of the silicified wood became chert because ( ).8.In paragraph 2, the author discuss three types of silicified wood because ( ).9.The underlined word “prominent” in Paragraph 2 is closet in meaning to ( ).10.Which of the following is a description, rather than one of the three type of silicified wood?11.What is the reason why many investigators have often failed to recognize the third type of silicified wood?

A.the nature and types of petrified wood B.the formation and location of petrified wood C.the composition and process of petrified wood D.the structure and transformation of petrified wood
A.tuff B.chert C.strata D.silts
A.locations B.structures C.textures D.levels of earth
问题4: was once a volcano once had a wide variety of minerals had no rivers or streams had no groundwater
A.sands, silts, and muds B.sandstones, siltstones, and shale C.silicified wood D.Arizona, Louisiana, and Texas
问题6: that not only temperature and pressure are important in forming petrified wood B.explain the beginning of the process that leads to sandstone, siltstones, and shale C.explain how silica is formed D.mention an important part of sediment
A.of the influence of time B.of the influence o



  • They moved to New York in 2000 and lived in a big house, ( )to the south.

    A.the windows of which opened B.the window of it opened C.its windows opened D.the windows of which opening
  • The government’s policies in the past five years have shown a(n)( ) in emphasizing the necessity of improving the peasants’ livelihood.

    A.exaltation B.coherence C.agony D.behavior
  • The plan was so impractical that we refused even( ) consider supporting it B.considering to support it considering to support it D.considering supporting it
  • ( )of the Pennsylvania Gazette, Benjamin Franklin tried hard to make the periodical popular.

    A.While was owner and editor B.As owner and editor C.Having being owner and editor D.Be owner and editor
  • It is hard to imagine how Manhattan, bought from a Native American tribe for so little,( )vibrant financial community in America.

    A.could become the most B.becomes the most become of the most assuming
  • 价值是一个经济范畴。


  • 企业文化作为某一特定文化背景下该企业独具特色的管理模式,应充分体现企业的个性特色和文化底蕴,反映企业品牌的内涵,具有不可模仿性。

  • 在企文化展时期,企业家是企业文化的实践者。
  • 企业文化研究在20世纪80年代出现了两种方法的派别,其中,以爱德加·沙因教授为代表的派别主要以定量化研究为主,以罗伯特·奎恩教授为代表的派别主要以定性化研究为主。

  • 企业文化对人力资源管理的引导作用,主要体现在企业文化的导向作用及()功能上。
