Beijing Tourism Bureau has released a list of translations for 2 753 dishes and drinks to ( )public opinions.

A.solicit B.perceive C.conceive D.investigate



  • It is not easy to remain tranquil when events suddenly change your life.

    A.cautious B.motionless C.calm D.alert
  • Throughout his political career he has always been in the ( ).

    A.twilight B.spotlight C.streetlight D.torchlight
  • The molecular influence pervades all the traditional disciplines underlying clinical medicine.

    A.specialties B.principles C.rationales D.doctrines
  • s="" personality="" and="" their="" mental="" physical="" health.We need two approaches: more research into the genetics of obesity to understand why some people are more susceptible, and greater efforts to help people avoid eating their way to an early death. Cynics will say we’ve tried education and it hasn’t worked. That is defeatist: getting people to change their behavior takes time and effort, held back as we are by our biological tendency to eat more than we need, and by the food industry ’ s ruthless opportunism in exploiting that.Drugs will be the saving of a few—as a last resort. But the global obesity problem is one of lifestyle, and the solution must be too.1.In the first paragraph all the figures surrounding obesity reflect ( ).2.When it comes to the recently reported diet pills, the author would say that ( ).3.Which of the following can be referred to as the environmental perspective of the author’s argument?4.The author argues that we make greater efforts to help people fight against ( ).5.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?'>

    As the defining epidemic of a modern age notable for overconsumption and excess, obesity is hard to beat. The increased availability of high-fat, high sugar foods, along with more sedentary lifestyles, has helped push the number of obese people worldwide to beyond 400 million, and the number of overweight to more than 1.6 billion. By 2015, those figures are likely to grow to 700 million and 2.3 billion respectively, according to the World Health Organization. Given the health implications—increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some cancers—anything that helps people avoid piling on the pounds must be a good thing, right?Those who agree will no doubt welcome the growing success of researchers striving to develop “diet pills” that provide a technical fix for those incapable of losing weight at any other way. Last week a study published in The Lancet showed that tesofensine, which works by inducing a sense of fullness, is twice as effective as any other drug at enabling patients to lose weight.There is no question that advances such as this are good news for those with a strong genetic predisposition to obesity. But for the rest of us it is dangerous to see treatment as a more effective solution than prevention. There are several reasons for this. For a start, the traditional ways of maintaining a safe weight, such as limiting what you eat, increase consumption of fruit and vegetables and taking more exercise, are beneficial for our health in many ways.Second, overindulgence in fatty foods has implications for the entire planet. Consider the deleterious environmental effects of the rising demand for meat. As demonstrated in our special issue on economic growth, technological fixes will not compensate for excessive consumption.Third, interfering with the brain circuits that control the desire for food can have an impact on other aspects of a person's personality and their mental and physical health.We need two approaches: more research into the genetics of obesity to understand why some people are more susceptible, and greater efforts to help people avoid eating their way to an early death. Cynics will say we’ve tried education and it hasn’t worked. That is defeatist: getting people to change their behavior takes time and effort, held back as we are by our biological tendency to eat more than we need, and by the food industry ’ s ruthless opportunism in exploiting that.Drugs will be the saving of a few—as a last resort. But the global obesity problem is one of lifestyle, and the solution must be too.1.In the first paragraph all the figures surrounding obesity reflect ( ).2.When it comes to the recently reported diet pills, the author would say that ( ).3.Which of the following can be referred to as the environmental perspective of the author’s argument?4.The author argues that we make greater efforts to help people fight against ( ).5.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

    A.a close link between growing obese a
  • The author of the book has shown his remarkably keen ( )into human nature.

    A.perspective B.dimension C.insight D.reflection
  • .以下都是操作系统的是() A.Android、HarmonyOSB.IOS、WPS
  • Sales figures at Hocking"s Pharmacy showed a slight fall. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn"t say
  • 下列各项,有关积滞的预防与调护,错误的是()A、调节饮食,合理喂养,乳食宜定时定量,富含营养,易





  • It is because she is too young ______ she does not know how to deal with the situation.

    A. so

    B. that

    C. so that

    D. therefore
  • The moon gives ______ no light of its own.

    A. off 发出,发光

    B. up 放弃

    C. in 屈服

    D. away