Some people ( )avoid questions of right and wrong or remain neutral about them.

A.violently B.enthusiastically C.sincerely D.deliberately



  • When he got promoted from an average clerk to deputy manager of the company, he felt that he had to ( )greater responsibilities.

    A.bear on B.take on C.bring on D.draw on
  • Out of ( )revenge, he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.

    A.perfect C.sheer D.integral
  • Some people think that a ( )translation, or word-for-word translation, is easier than a free translation.

    A.literal B.literary C.liberal D.linear
  • There are some 65 species of New World monkeys. Many of these have a very useful anatomical adaptation lacking in their old world counterparts that curious “fifth hand’’, the prehensile (适手抓住的)tail. And in a few species the gripping tail has developed to such as extent that is actually has “fingerprints” on the tip. While of course a tail is not-accepted with fingers, it can sometimes be even more useful than an arm or a leg. A spider monkey’s tail, for instance, is longer than its head and body combined, and is frequently used instead of a hand to grasp distant objects. Other monkeys less fortunate are forced to relegate at least one limb to support while they feed, whereas monkeys endowed with prehensility can hang by their tails while they feast with both hands and feet. A few New World monkeys have also evolved arms and shoulders that are suitable for swinging hand over hand through the trees like the Asiatic gibbons.1.The passage mainly discusses( ) .2.The author probably believes that a monkey uses its prehensile tail especially for3.In the second sentence, the word “their” refers to( ) .4.It can be inferred from the passage that the Asiatic gibbons and certain New World monkeys are similar in what respect?5.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the information in the passage?

    A.certain evolutionary advantages of New World monkeys B.feeding habits of the spider monkey C.the development of arms and shoulders in New World monkeys D.some anatomical adaptations of Asiatic gibbons
    A.running over a grassy plain B.supporting itself while eating C.swimming across a river D.defending itself against enemies
    A.New World monkeys B.Old World monkeys C.spider monkeys D.Asiatic gibbons
    A.The length of their tails B.Their mating habits C.The ability to grip with their feet D.Their upper body structure
    A.Some monkeys use their hands to grasp objects. B.A spider monkey has a very long tail. C.A prehensile tail has fingers. D.Asiatic gibbons can swing through trees.
  • As Dr. Samuel Johnson said in a different era about ladies preaching, the surprising thing about computers is not that they think less well than a man, but that they think at all. The early electronic computer did not have much going for it except a marvelous memory and some good math skills. But today the best models can be wired up to learn by experience, follow an argument, ask proper questions and write poetry and music. They can also carry on somewhat puzzling conversations.Computers imitate life. As computers get more complex, the imitation gets better. Finally, the line between the original and the copy becomes unclear. In another 15 years or so, we will see the computer as a new form of life.The opinion seems ridiculous because, for one thing, computers lack the drives and emotions of living creatures. But drives can be programmed into the computer’s brain just as nature programmed them into our human brains as part of the equipment for survival.Computers match people in some roles, and when fast decisions are needed in a crisis, they often surpass them. Having evolved when the pace of life was slower, the human brain has an inherent defect that prevents it from absorbing several streams of information simultaneously and acting on them quickly. Throw too many things at the brain at one time and it freezes up.We are still in control, but the capabilities of computers are increasing at a fantastic rate, while raw human intelligence is changing slowly, if as all. Computer power has increased ten times every eight years since 1946. In the 1990, when the sixth generation appears, the reasoning power of an intelligence built out of silicon will begin to match that of the human brain.That does not mean the evolution of intelligence has ended on the earth. Judging by the past, we can expect that a new species will arise out of man, surpassing his achievements as he has surpassed those of his predecessor. Only a carbon chemistry enthusiast would assume that the new species must be man’s flesh-and-blood descendants. The new kind of intelligent life is more likely to be made of silicon.1.What do you suppose was the attitude of Dr. Samuel Johnson towards ladies preaching?2.Today, computers are still inferior to man in terms of ( ).3.In terms of making quick decisions, the human brain cannot be compared with thecomputer because( ) .4.Though he thinks highly of the development of computer science, the author doesn’t mean that( ) .5.According to the passage, which of the following statements in TRUE?

    A.He believed that ladies were born worse preachers than men. B.He was pleased that ladies could preach, though not as well as men. C.He disapproved of ladies preaching. D.He encouraged ladies to preach
    A.decision making B.drives and feelings C.growth of reasoning power D.information absorption
    问题3: the long process of evolution the slow pace of life didn’t require such ability of the human brain. B.the human brain is influenced by other factors such as motivation and emotion C.the human brain may sometimes freeze up in a dangerous situation D.computers imitate life while the human brain does not imitate computers/
    A.computers are likely to become a new form of intelligent life. B.human beings have lost control of computers. C.the intelligence of computers will eventually surpass that of human beings. D.the evolution of intelligence will probably depend on that of electronic brains.
    A.Future man will be made of silicon instead of flesh and blood. B.Some day it will be difficult to tell a computer from a man. C.The reasoning power of computers has already surpassed that of man D.Future intelligent life may not necessarily be made of organic matter.
  • 新能源汽车与传统汽车的安全性是否存在差异
  • 新媒体营销和传统营销有什么区别
  • 从教育学未来的角度来定位教的有效性,最核心、最本质的定位是()
  • 下面,不是系统安全所包含的内容是______。




  • 设有一个 Student数据库,包括数据库,包括学生,课程,选修三个关系:三个关系:学生学生:S ( Sno ,Sname ,Ssex ,Sage,Sdept )
    课程课程:C(Cno ,Cname ,Term,Credit )
    选修选修:SC ( Sno ,Cno ,Score )