Historically, the spread, prevalence, and very existence of contagious disease have wholly depended on the growth and concentration of human populations.(1) And though the last century has witnessed substantial worldwide success in combating many past scourges —such as polio and smallpox — infectious diseases still claim more lives than any other group of diseases. The prevailing demographic trends continue to create a crowded human “medium” that both invites and is vulnerable to infection.The share of humanity living in cities with more than 1 million people has surged from less than 5 percent in 1900 to nearly 40 percent today, creating the ideal setting for the resurgence of old infectious diseases as well as the development of new ones.(2)Overcrowding — the increased proximity of susceptible individuals — is a principal risk factor for the incidence and spread of all major infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, dengue fever, malaria, and acute respiratory illnesses, which are unable to spread and survive in low population densities.(3)Aside from sheer growth and increasing density, the urbanization under way in developing nations is often accompanied by deteriorating health indicators and increased exposure to disease risk factors.Access to clean water, good hygiene, and adequate housing are sorely lacking in developing nations. As a result, waterborne infections such as cholera and other diarrheal diseases account for 90 percent of all infectious diseases in developing countries — and 40 percent of all deaths in some nations.(4)In both industrial and developing nations, the incidences of a wide range of infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, diarrheal diseases, and HIV/AIDS, are considerably higher in urban slums — where poverty and compromised health define the way of life — than in the rest of the city.(5 )

A.Key disease carriers, such as insects and rats, thrive in crowded urban settings, further facilitating spread. B.The unprecedented population densities in fourteenth-century Europe, for example, led to the plague outbreak that claimed the lives of one fourth of the population. C.Although these infections are easily preventable if adequate water and sanitation are available, the vast majority of the world’s population are lifelong victims. D.While new global markets have created unprecedented economic opportunities and growth, the health risks of our increasingly interconnected and fast-paced world continue to grow. E.Pathogens can more readily establish in large populations, since all infectious diseases require a critical number of vulnerable individuals in order to take root and spread. F.These areas can serve as a perpetual reservoir of disease or disease vectors, placing other parts of the city at risk of an outbreak and allowing the disease to continue evolving, often into a deadlier strain.
A.Key disease carriers, such as insects and rats, thrive in crowded urban settings, further facilitating spread. B.The unprecedented population densities in fourteenth-century Europe, for example, led to the plague outbreak that claimed the lives of one fourth of the population. C.Although these infections are easily preventable if adequate water and sanitation are available, the vast majority of the world’s population are lifelong victims. D.While new global markets have created unprecedented economic opportunities and growth, the health risks of our increasingly interconnected and fast-paced world continue to grow. E.Pathogens can more readily establish in large populations, since all infectious diseases require a critical number of vulnerable individuals in order to take root and spread. F.These areas can serve as a perpetual reservoir of disease or disease vectors, placing other parts of the city at risk of an outbreak and allowing the disease to continue evolving, often into a deadlier strain.
A.Key disease carriers, such as insects and rats, thrive in crowded urban settings, further facilitating spread. B.The unprecedented population densities in fourteenth-century Europe, for



  • The politicians also ( )a mixture of tactics in a campaign to defend the Prime Minister.

    A.employed B.mobilized C.endeavored D.experienced
  • In the final analysis,it is our ( ) of death which decides our answers to all the questions that life puts to us.

    A.conception B.deception C.reception D.presentation
  • Guarantees and warranties tell buyers the repairs for which a manufacturer is( ).

    A.qualified B.agreeable C.compatible D.liable
  • The Federal Government ( )farmers by buying their surplus crops at prices above the market value.

    A.pirates B.mediates C.supplements D.subsidizes
  • Like so many things of value, truth is not always easy to come by. What we regard as true shapes our beliefs, attitudes, and actions. Yet we can believe things that have no basis in fact. People are capable of embracing horrific precepts that seem incredible in retrospect. In Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler had millions of followers who accepted his delusions about racial superiority. As Voltaire put it long before Hitler’s time, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. ’’We are surrounded by illusions, some created deliberately. They may be subtle or may affect us profoundly. Some illusions, such as films and novels, we seek out and appreciate. Others can make us miserable and even kill us. We need to know if particular foods that taste perfectly fine can hurt us in the short term ( as with Salmonella contamination) or in the long term (cholesterol) , whether a prevalent virus is so dangerous that we should avoid public places, and what problems a political candidate may cause or resolve if elected. Gaining insights about the truth often is a challenge, and misconceptions can be difficult to recognize.We often believe stories because they are the ones available. Most people would identify Thomas Edison as the inventor of the incandescent light bulb. Although Edison perfected a commercially successful design, he was preceded in the experimentation by British inventors Frederick de Moleyns and Joseph Swan, and by American J. W Starr.The biggest enemies of truth are: people whose job is to sell us incomplete versions of the available facts, our willingness to believe what we want and the simple absence of accurate information. Companies advertising products on television do not describe the advantages of their competitors’ products any more than a man asking a woman to marry him encourages her to date other men before making up her mind. It is a social reality that people encourage one another to make important decisions with limited facts.Technology has simplified and complicated the fact-gathering process. The Internet allows us to check facts more easily, but it also disburses misinformation. Similarly, a belief that videos and photos necessarily represent reality ignores how easily they can be digitally altered. Unquestioning reliance on such forms of media makes us more susceptible to manipulators: those who want to deceive can dazzle us with a modem version of smoke and mirrors.1.According to Voltaire,( ) .2.Paragraph 2 shows that ( ) .3.By mentioning Thomas Edison, the author seems to emphasize that ( ) .4.Advertising and making a marriage proposal are similar in that both ( ) .5.The boldfaced word “disburses” in Paragraph 5 probably means ( ) .6.The drawback brought by technology is that it makes people prone to( ) .

    A.Hitler was obsessed with violence B.irrational ideas may be spread widely C.irrational ideas may lead to violence D.Hitler was misled by racism
    A.truth is hard to get due to misconceptions B.public health deserves much attention C.political elections have profound impact D.illusions are helpful in gaining new insights
    A.business successes may cover the truth B.commercial activities may involve cooperation C.irrational ideas may influence technological progress D.misconceptions may be due to lack of information
    A.encourage fair competition B.give partial information C.attack their enemies D.take advantage of people’s hesitation
    A.spreads B.disturbs C.falsifies D.corrects
    A.be addicted B.be taken in C.show off D.decide hastily
  • 技术改造应遵循的原则有()。
  • 9,26,51,124,173,( )

  • Effective tough survive wrap foremost refrain obtain distinguish existence available

    1 The theory supposes the ( ) of life on other planets .

    2 Would you please ( ) the toys up separately ?

    3 He built up a reputation as a ( ) businessman .

    4 There is no ( ) treatment of this disease .

    5 some rooms are ( ) to the doctors who are at the virus - control front line .

    6 The salesman finally managed to ( ) a copy of the report .

    7 It is hard to ( ) one twin from the other .

    8 Many companies managed to ( ) the pandemic .

    9 We have ( ) from going outside during the pandemic .

    10 This is first and ( ) a trade agreement.
  • 古典管理理论不相信管理是有规律可循的他们更相信个人经验
  • “战场”和“战士”这两个概念是()


